Escarole And Pomegranate Salad: Quick And Easy

The escarole and pomegranate salad provides large amounts of fiber and good quality antioxidants, which improve the person’s health.
Escarole and pomegranate salad: quick and easy

The escarole and pomegranate salad is a dish that you can usually include in your diet. It offers good quality essential micronutrients and antioxidants, which are necessary to ensure good health. Plus, it’s quick and easy to prepare.

In the following lines we explain how to prepare this dish. First, however, you must know that the quality of a diet is measured by its energy balance and its variety.

In other words, it must predict the necessary calories and foods belonging to different groups. This ensures adequate intake of essential nutrients.

Escarole and pomegranate salad

The escarole and pomegranate salad offers several health benefits. First, we point out the antioxidant properties of the pomegranate.

This fruit contains anthocyanins, pigments that are part of the phytonutrient group and which have been shown to prevent the development of chronic diseases.

In fact, they neutralize the formation of free radicals, thus modulating the oxidation and inflammation of tissues and organs. This property is essential for preventing the ailments associated with aging.

Pomegranate contains antioxidants, which fight free radicals and prevent oxidative stress and premature aging.

It is also worth mentioning the abundant amount of fiber offered by the escarole. These are non-digestible substances that perform various functions that protect the digestive system.

Fiber helps prevent constipation, as it increases the fecal bolus. Regular consumption also protects against colon cancer, as stated in a study published in the International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition.


  • 1 escarole
  • 1 pomegranate
  • A clove of garlic
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Vinegar
  • salt


The first thing to do is to wash the escarole well, to eliminate the sand or any remains that may be present. Then cut it.

At this point, the pomegranate must be opened. It is a very simple operation: just cut it with a knife in the center and extract all the seeds, or the edible part. Add them to the escarole in a bowl.

The time has come to prepare the dressing, the secret of any salad. Finely chop the garlic clove. Add some fine salt, olive oil and wine vinegar. Mix everything and pour it over the salad, which can be enjoyed.

Another recipe for escarole and pomegranate salad

This variant is a little more caloric, but also much tastier. Among the ingredients, black pepper is found. This spice has been shown to stimulate fat oxidation, thanks to its capsaicin content.

Inside of a pomegranate.
Adding corn and pepper to the salad will help create an even tastier dish.


  • Escarole
  • Toasted and salted giant corn kernels
  • 1 pomegranate
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Vinegar
  • Red fruit jam
  • salt
  • Ground black pepper


Also in this case you have to start by washing the escarole and cutting it. Again, the pomegranate seeds are extracted as explained above and combined with the escarole.

In this case, a handful of toasted and salted corn grains are also added, previously crushed in a mortar, to give crunchiness to the dish.

To prepare the dressing, you need to combine a generous splash of oil, two tablespoons of vinegar, a tablespoon of jam, salt and pepper in a bowl.

Once an emulsion is obtained, it must be poured over the salad, which will be ready to be consumed. First, however, it is recommended to mix well  to make sure all the escarole leaves are soaked in the dressing.

Escarole and pomegranate salad, a healthy dish

The escarole and pomegranate salad is very easy and quick to prepare. It can be served as an appetizer or as a side dish to a high protein dish, based on meat or fish.

It offers phytonutrients with antioxidant properties and a good amount of fiber, essential to ensure the proper functioning of the digestive system.

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