Exercise Routine To Avoid Muscle Hypertrophy

To have a toned, lean and attractive physique, it is not necessary to force the body excessively and achieve muscle hypertrophy. You have to learn how to do exercises correctly.
Exercise routines to avoid muscle hypertrophy

Exercise is extremely beneficial for health. However, taking this practice to the extreme or doing it the wrong way can cause muscle hypertrophy, among other things .

We cannot exercise in any way, we have to take into consideration what the right position should be for each movement, because it is not recommended to force the body to reach a certain point.

When exercising, the idea is to learn about our body and acquire resistance, to be able to achieve the toning we want, avoiding muscle hypertrophy .

What is muscle hypertrophy?

Muscle hypertrophy is the alteration in the size of the muscle or some of its parts. In general, bodybuilders want to increase muscle strength and volume, so they perform specialized training and maintain a high-calorie diet to achieve it.

It should be noted that this type of training must be supervised by a health professional. While it is true that muscles can be temporarily hypertrophied (it always occurs after exercise, it is temporary and short-lived) prolonged intense exertion can lead to chronic hypertrophy.

Types of muscle hypertrophy

  • Pathological muscle hypertrophy.
  • Physiological muscle hypertrophy.
  • Muscle hypertrophy due to the use of steroids.

Tips for not over-growing the muscles

Aerobic Exercise


There are currently many ways to practice. Especially those highlighting the aerobic component are highlighted. However, a large number of individuals still focus on achieving muscle hypertrophy.

It shouldn’t be labeled a mistake to focus on working to gain muscle mass ; despite this, leaving aside aerobic preparation is something negative.

In this order of ideas, the main advice is to use both methods together. Next we will teach you how to use the routine by combining both types. Let’s begin!

Differences between aerobic and anaerobic exercise

The basic terms indicate these as a counterparty; that is, aerobic exercise requires oxygen and anaerobic exercise does not. The following should be noted:

Aerobic exercise

This is distinguished by long-term physical activity with low or moderate intensity. During this process the combustion of carbohydrates is required and therefore oxygen is needed.

Anaerobic exercise

It is the opposite of aerobic exercise in terms of intensity and duration. It doesn’t take long to run, but your effort should be maximized.

In anaerobic exercises, the body does not require oxidative processes ; for this reason it is called anaerobic (without oxygen). As for sports, speed races, weights and the like, they are the best reference.

The routine should contain something of both

Boy is exercising at the beach

Once you know the differences within the two categories, the ideal is to develop a mixed routine.

A clear example of this occurs in conventional gyms. There, in general, a cardio routine (aerobic exercise) is performed during the warm-up, and after that, weight lifting exercise (anaerobic exercise) is performed. However, the order can be negative if energy reserves are taken into account.

Make the most of your body’s energy

The body stores a certain amount of energy, which is used for various daily activities. To get the most out of this, you need to carry out a comprehensive exercise routine that allows you to reach your goals in an organized and healthy way. On the other hand, a good routine allows us to increase muscle mass without achieving muscle hypertrophy.

Anaerobic work first

Anaerobic exercise

You should avoid starting your training session with a cardio routine, but leave it at the end. In fact, the first step to improving the desired results is lifting weights (anaerobic exercises).

To optimize muscle hypertrophy, anaerobic work is initially performed with good exercises for large muscle groups, which have a peak of glycogen energy reserves.

Subsequently, the session should be completed with aerobic exercises. In this way, the rest of the energy available to the body will be used for physical work. These reduce fat and help eliminate more toxins.

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