Exercise Routine To Tone The Breasts

For best results in breast toning we need to combine exercises that include some weights with localized massages and cold showers to firm up.
Exercise routines to tone the breasts

In this article we propose an exercise routine to tone the breasts in a simple and effective way. In fact, over time the breasts can lose tone due to several factors:

  • The gravity.
  • The use of bras that are too oppressive.
  • Weight gain and loss.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Hormonal changes.
  • Lack of exercise.

Here are some tips for  toning your breasts.

Tone the breasts

To tone the breast and prevent it from sagging, we will have to act on several fronts:

  • Balanced diet: rich in fruits, vegetables, good quality proteins, whole carbohydrates, healthy fats and fiber.
  • Physical activity.
  • Good posture.
  • Suitable bras.
  • Good skin hydration.

From the age of 30 we should take this treatment with constant dedication. However, women who notice some flaccidity since adolescence or early youth should start taking care of their breasts as soon as possible.

Do we need weights?

Exercises with weights for beginners

To perform this type of exercise with the aim of firming the breasts, we will need some object with a certain weight. If we don’t have any weights, we could use water bottles for example.

There are also elastic bands that increase muscle resistance without the need for weights. These are highly recommended for starting or if we have joint problems .

Types of exercises to tone the breasts

These exercises can be practiced standing, sitting or lying down. We can vary the posture according to our comfort. For example, if we have back pain, it may be more comfortable to sit or lie down.

1. Horizontal lifting

  • With the legs slightly apart, at hip distance, we grab the weights and lift the arms outstretched to shoulder height.
  • We will do 3 sets of 10 repetitions.

It is important to maintain an upright posture and a taut abdomen during exercise.

2. Front lift

In the same position, we will raise our arms straight but, instead of doing it to the side, we will do it forward.

  • The hands will be in front of the chest, with the arms outstretched.
  • We will do 3 sets of 10 repetitions.

3. Lift and open


This third exercise is a combination of the previous two.

  • We will raise the arms straight forward, at chest height, and from there we will open them to the sides.
  • We will return to the previous position and descend to rest for a few seconds.
  • We will do 2 sets of 10 repetitions.

4. Raising and flexing the elbows

For this exercise we will have to raise the arms forward, to chest height and, once in this position, bend the elbows.

  • The forearms must be in a vertical position.
  • Next, we will extend our arms again and lower them to the resting position at the sides.
  • We will do 2 sets of 10 repetitions.

5. Bend the elbows and open

These last two exercises are a little different. The first movement will be to bend the elbows with the arms forming a 90 ° angle. They should be in front of the chest and with the hands up.

  • From that position, we will extend our arms forward and close them.
  • We will repeat this 30 times without lowering the arms.

6. Bend the elbows and lift

The last exercise also begins with the flexion of the elbows. However, instead of doing it forward, we’re going to do it upward.

  • The movement is like lifting weights until the arms are stretched vertically.
  • We will repeat this 30 times without lowering the arms.

Cold shower to tone the breasts

To improve these types of exercises to tone the breasts, it is advisable to also take advantage of the moment of the shower to activate the circulation of this part of the body. Just apply cold water to your breasts for a few moments.

  • Using cold water or even alternating it with hot water, a contraction and expansion effect of the blood vessels is achieved.
  • This action promotes circulation and improves the elasticity and firmness of the skin.

Oil massage to tone the breasts

Massage oil

To further improve the tone of the pectoral muscles, we can apply oil to the breasts after a shower. Furthermore, if we perform a gentle massage, we will facilitate its penetration through the pores.

We can use a nourishing base oil, such as the following:

  • Olive
  • Sesame
  • Almond
  • Avocado
  • Coconut

To these base oils we can add a few drops of pure essential oils. Not only will they perfume with their pleasant aroma, but they will also increase the firming properties. We can use lavender, geranium or rose.

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