Exercise To Burn Fat And Improve Posture

It may seem like a simple, static exercise, but it’s the ideal activity to say goodbye to fat accumulations and to strengthen muscles.
Exercise to burn fat and improve posture

Losing weight is not always an easy task, and most of the time it takes extra effort, such as exercising. But when we have an  exercise to burn fat and improve posture, even better!

Therefore, do not hesitate to read and take note of our exercises to burn fat and improve posture at the same time.

Exercise to burn fat and improve posture

The reverse palm: exercise to burn fat

The reverse Plank

It may be a strenuous exercise at first, but as the days go by you will be able to build up endurance. What we propose is a variant of the normal plank and brings multiple benefits.

What needs to be done?

  • First, you need to sit on the ground. Extend your legs in front of you and rest your hands on the floor, spreading your fingers until you find stability as you exercise.
  • At this point, raise your torso until it forms a 45 ° angle with the floor.
  • Place your hands behind your buttocks, so that they are in line with your shoulders, support your body weight with your hands and heels as you lift your buttocks.

Then, switch to the basic version plank :

  • On your stomach, lift your torso, legs, and buttocks to form a straight line.
  • Contract your abdominal muscles as you lift your torso.
  • Hold the position for 15-60 seconds and then slowly lower your body.

Why is the plank good?

You can do this simple exercise in the comfort of your home, it will be useful if your goal is to burn fat and improve posture. The benefits are actually different:

  • Thanks to this exercise, you will have more toned glutes and calves.
  • It is more effective than using a normal abdominal bench, in fact it makes the muscles of the buttocks and legs work harder.

Improve metabolism

You may think that there is no direct relationship between physical activity and metabolism, but this is not the case.

While doing the plank, you consume more calories than with normal dynamic exercises. Most people who do this exercise don’t have metabolic problems.

Improve your posture

Improve your posture

As we mentioned earlier, this exercise, known as the reverse plank, is ideal if your goal is also to improve posture.

When you train doing the plank, you use the muscles that help keep your back straight, which is very important, especially for office workers sitting at a desk.

Exercise to burn fat also reduces back pain

Doing planks at least 3 or 4 times a week will reduce back pain.

Whether you choose the basic or reverse version, the plank will allow you to work your muscles effectively.

Helps to get a flat abdomen

Improve the waistline

As if the advantages of this exercise described so far weren’t enough, know that it also helps to have a flatter abdomen, also because it improves posture.

Thanks to this exercise, you will be able to:

  • Firming the hips
  • Don’t put your head back
  • Keep your back straight

In the case of the reverse plank, you will be able to strengthen the muscles of the arms, abdomen and legs, as well as stretch the muscles of the shoulders.

Ultimately, if you commit to doing this exercise regularly, you will gain in endurance, posture and metabolism, as well as working different muscles in the body and preventing possible injury.

Tips before doing the exercise to burn fat and improve posture

If you have overweight or lower back problems, you should consult a professional before starting this exercise.

He will be able to tell you if it is the right activity for you. While it’s a static exercise, it doesn’t mean it’s easy to do or risk-free.

Remember that maintaining the correct posture is essential to avoid injury.

If you have any doubts and think that for some reason this exercise is not the best for you, then the best thing to do is to consult your doctor.

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