Firming The Skin And Reducing Cellulite: 11 Tips

With the arrival of summer, the effects of cellulite are more visible. But we must remember that fighting cellulite is not only about aesthetics, but also about health. How can you prevent it?
Firming the skin and reducing cellulite: 11 tips

Firming the skin and reducing cellulite becomes more and more difficult as the years and stages of life go by. In winter it is a minor problem, as it can be hidden, but in summer with the body more exposed to sight, the desire to remedy it becomes more pressing.

Adopting some healthy habits, to be maintained throughout the year, can help to firm the skin and reduce cellulite so that we can wear our swimwear without fear. First, it is important to know what cellulite is and how it affects your health.

What is cellulite?

Cellulite is an accumulation of fatty tissue in the form of fat in the subcutaneous area of the thighs, buttocks, abdomen, forearms and legs. The fat creates lumps that form irregularities on the skin, known as the orange peel effect.

The reduction of cellulite does not have an exclusively aesthetic aspect. It is, in fact, an aspect also linked to health, as it prevents the correct circulation of blood in the legs, favors the appearance of varicose veins and lymphatic pathologies that are deeper and more difficult to treat. It is therefore essential to adopt new habits.

11 tips to firm the skin and reduce cellulite

Orange peel skin
Nutrition plays an essential role in the prevention and reduction of cellulite.


  • Varied and balanced diet : although cellulite affects 98% of women, following a balanced diet reduces the chances of suffering from it and helps to firm the skin.
  • Carbonated drinks, fast food and packaged sweets  should be absolutely avoided, as they promote water retention and overweight. On the contrary, it is better to opt for healthy foods that are particularly rich in vitamins and collagen.
  • Excessive salt consumption causes water retention. Reducing the amount of salt is complicated, as it is contained in almost all foods. For this reason, the ideal would be to season foods with spices, gradually reducing the addition of salt. Five milligrams of salt a day is more than enough, which is the equivalent of a teaspoon of tea.

Water and exercise to firm the skin and reduce cellulite

  • Drinking lots of water helps the body drain and improves cell function. The recommended water consumption is two liters per day, which can be difficult for some people. A good way to remedy this is to drink a glass of water every hour, adding lemon or orange juice to flavor it and make it tastier.
  • Practice physical activity : it is not necessary to join the gym to combat the orange peel effect. It is also enough to walk, an activity suitable for everyone and which helps to firm the skin of the legs. Stopping using the elevator and, conversely, taking the stairs is another great idea. If you opt for the gym, focus on cardio or aerobic exercises.
  • Self-massage: massaging the areas affected by cellulite promotes circulation and lymphatic drainage. You can use a horsehair glove in the shower to remove dead skin cells as well. The ideal is to finish the shower with a jet of cold water on the legs.
  • Avoid tight clothing, as they prevent proper blood circulation, favoring the appearance of cellulite.

Rest and stress

Woman ironing in front of the window
Rest plays a fundamental role in health, even for the skin.
  • Sleep well : sleeping eight hours a day strengthens general health and that of the skin in particular. Resting little and badly, on the other hand, favors the accumulation of fat in the body and therefore of cellulite. Lifting your legs while in bed is a great way to improve circulation and eliminate toxins.
  • Avoid Stress : With the pace of today’s society it seems almost impossible to relax and manage negative emotions. In this sense, the skin is more vulnerable and prone to disorders.
  • Practicing healthy activities such as yoga, meditation or the like to achieve good emotional balance, which keeps cellulite away.

Fruit smoothies for weight control

  • Drink fruit and vegetable smoothies : do not hesitate to fill the refrigerator with pineapples, papayas, apples to combine with celery, carrots or herbal infusions. Thanks to these smoothies you purify the body and avoid the accumulation of toxins, thus reducing cellulite.
  • Maintain a healthy weight : Gaining and losing weight sharply makes cellulite worse. The yo-yo effect increases the formation of fat, the tissues lose their elasticity and tend to become more flabby.

There are also cosmetic treatments available that can erase the signs of cellulite, but the ideal is to prevent by adopting these simple tips to firm the skin, tone the muscles and improve overall health.

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