Flax Seeds: A Natural Remedy For Constipation

You must regularly consume flax seeds, and not only in cases of urgency, to avoid illness and make your body work better.
Flax seeds: a natural remedy for constipation

Although the main cause of constipation is a lack of fiber, it is important to know that there are several factors that affect constipation. For example, travel, schedule changes, stress, changes in habits. Don’t worry: flax seeds will help you solve the problem.

Know, therefore, that it is possible to improve intestinal movements easily and naturally, and flax seeds  are excellent allies. In fact, they prevent the body from being damaged as a result of taking possible artificial laxatives.

The secret of why flax seeds are so recommended for fighting constipation is their high content of mucilage, or soluble fibers. When flax seeds come into contact with water, they release these mucilages that cause the surrounding liquids to acquire a denser consistency.

flax seeds

Use in the treatment of constipation

The most recommended way to take flaxseed for the purpose of relieving constipation is to soak a considerable amount of the seeds in a glass of water overnight, and then, the next day, drink this water and the seeds on an empty stomach.

If you try this treatment and the consistency of the water (very dense) is unpleasant, we advise you to take the seeds and mix them with milk, juices of different fruits, yogurt or even salads.

This will make it easier to eat them thanks to the good taste of the food you decide to combine them with. This treatment will work perfectly as it is in this process that the mucilages in the aqueous environment of the intestine are released.

How do mucilages work?

The mucilages form a kind of paste that produces an evacuation effect of the stool, accelerating its transit in the intestine.

This evacuation process is what makes the consumption of flaxseed so different from taking any type of laxative, since the latter causes the body to get used to it and create a sort of dependence on laxatives in order to be able to evacuate in natural way.

As if that weren’t enough, the soluble fibers of the seeds have the property of retaining the toxins present in the body and expelling them in the feces long before they are absorbed by the intestine.

Likewise, these seeds contain several beneficial components for the optimal functioning of health; one of these is alpha-linolenic acid, a fatty acid that belongs to the group of omega 3 acids, which in the body is converted into a reduction of bad cholesterol. 

What’s more, these seeds also have anti-inflammatory properties thanks to luteolin or oleic acid.

Flax seeds against cancer

Flaxseeds and their endless properties may contribute to a lower chance of suffering from one type of cancer, particularly colon and breast cancer.

Furthermore, if taken on a regular basis, these seeds help to cure any type of inflammatory disease thanks to their high level of fatty oils and omega 3.

In addition, they will help you to have a better functioning not only of the digestive system, but also of the urinary and respiratory systems.

Couple running at sunset

In conclusion, we can say that flax seeds rank among the products with the greatest healing properties. They are also useful in preventing different types of diseases.

It is important to take them regularly and not only in times of urgent need ; remember that the body works like a gear and each of its parts must be in excellent condition so as not to compromise any of the body’s functions.

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