Flea Bites: Treatment And Prevention

It is possible that they also attack men. Today we see how to treat and prevent stings
Flea bite: treatment and prevention

Flea bites are really annoying, more for the persistence of the bite than for aesthetic reasons.  In this article we will tell you about the treatments to cure and how to prevent flea bites.

Flea bites

The usual reaction of human skin to a flea bite is the formation of a small red circle with a dot in the center, a slight swelling and a lot of itching.

Fleas are external parasites that feed on the blood of mammals, dogs and cats in particular, but often also bite humans. These stings can be caused in the legs or ankles.

Some people get bitten by fleas multiple times. Others (possibly living in the same house) appear not to be the preferred target of these parasites. This appears to be related to the lack of vitamins in the body.

Two things are fundamental when it comes to flea bites: keep the area clean and avoid scratching  (which is difficult when the itching becomes intense). To achieve the first goal, an antiseptic or simply soap with cold water should be applied to the skin, as hot water can increase swelling.

If you do not keep the area clean and if the person scratches, there is a risk of opening the wound causing secondary infections.

Medical treatments

If the sting produces pronounced itching and swelling, creams such as hydrocortisone, an over-the-counter medication, can be applied.

Homemade remedies

There are several natural remedies to relieve itching caused by flea bites  and they are quite well known. Various natural products can also be used that contribute to skin health.

One option would be to mix baking soda with a few drops of water to form a paste to apply to the sting area.  Let it act on the skin for 15-30 minutes to calm the annoying itchy sensation.

Another would be to boil the peel of 1 lemon in 250 cc of water, let the liquid rest and then apply it with cotton or gauze on the affected area.  

Another classic natural remedy to get rid of itching is to mix two tablespoons of water and one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. It is necessary to keep everything in the fridge for a few hours and apply it on the sting.

In the event that the rash were to be severe, prolonged over time or other complications should arise, a doctor should be consulted.

Although flea bites in general do not cause serious consequences, they  can sometimes cause allergic reactions. In addition, fleas can transmit dangerous diseases such as typhus or bubonic plague.

Find the definitive solution

dog and fleas

Finally, the outcome of the treatment against flea bites, or the relief obtained for the itch, will never be the definitive solution to the problem.

To avoid bites, fleas must be eliminated, there are several products to fight them and your vet can recommend the best remedy for your pets. Until you take great care of your four-legged friends, there will also be fleas because they are the natural habitat of these parasites.

Images courtesy of luis perez and Harry Plotter.

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