Fruit Drinks For Healthy Weight Loss

Fruit and vegetable juices are a great way to consume these foods. Furthermore, being liquid already, we will save our stomach time, which will digest them better.

Do you want to be in shape for a special occasion? Do you want to  have won on those extra pounds that bother you so much?  There is no need to starve or opt for traumatic surgery! You can use fruit drinks that are perfect for healthy and fast weight loss. .

Fruit drink recipes for weight loss

Grapefruit and watermelon juice

This juice calms thirst, gives a sense of satiety, is purifying and will prevent you from overeating.


  • 1 cup of grapefruit juice
  • half a cup of watermelon cut and without seeds and peel

How to prepare it:

Wash the fruit well and extract the grapefruit juice. Blend it together with the watermelon and, if you wish, add a little water.

Mix well and drink a glass in the morning on an empty stomach.

fruit drinks for weight loss

Pineapple and melon juice

This drink provides a large amount of vitamin C and fiber, elements that accelerate the digestion of fats and proteins, thus helping to lose weight.


  • 1 cup peeled pineapple cut into small pieces
  • 1 slice of melon
  • half a cup of water

How to prepare it:

Wash and cut the melon slice and extract the juice from both fruits by blending them.

Drink this smoothie, without filtering it first, every day.

Strawberry, orange and parsley juice

This drink has purifying and diuretic properties, avoids water retention and helps you lose weight.


  • 1 cup of strawberries
  • the juice of an orange
  • 1 sprig of parsley
  • honey
  • water.

How to prepare it:

Wash all the ingredients and extract the orange juice. Put everything in a blender and mix until a homogeneous mixture is formed.

Drink a glass in the morning, three times a week for a month.

Pineapple, tamarind and papaya juice

It is one of the best fruit drinks for weight loss, avoiding water retention, eliminating toxins, moisturizing tissues, reducing cellulite and improving the metabolism of fats to burn them faster.


  • 1 cup chopped pineapple
  • half a cup of tamarind juice
  • 1 piece of papaya

How to prepare it:

First pass the pineapple in the extractor and then add all the other ingredients. Filter everything and drink immediately.

prepare fruit drink

Pear, pineapple and yogurt juice

In this case, we will prepare a juice rather than a juice, given the consistency.


  • 1 pear
  • pineapple (one slice)
  • 1 tablespoon of natural sweetener (such as stevia)
  • natural skimmed yogurt (one cup)
  • half a tablespoon of vanilla extract.

How to prepare it:

The fruits must all be peeled. Put everything in the blender for about 30 seconds. Drink immediately.

Banana juice, soy milk and flax seeds

It is an excellent smoothie to include in a weight loss diet as it is ideal to consume before meals to generate a sense of satiety. It is also recommended as a breakfast or dinner.


  • 1 banana
  • 1 tablespoon of natural skimmed yogurt
  • half a tablespoon of flax seeds
  • half a tablespoon of honey
  • 1 cup of soy milk
  • half a cup of blueberries (frozen or fresh).

How to prepare it:

Blend all the ingredients until they are completely blended.

You may also be interested in: Homemade banana ice cream

slimming fruit juice

Fruit and vegetable drinks for weight loss

If you are looking for fruit drinks for even more effective weight loss, then you should take advantage of the benefits of vegetables. In fact, together with fruit, it helps to reduce extra pounds, eliminate liquids and feel full for longer.

Apple, cucumber and ginger juice

The fruit is rich in pectin which helps remove the buildup of waste that builds up in the digestive tract. Cucumber is a natural diuretic. Mix a slice of ginger (about 2.5 cm) with a peeled cucumber and the juice of an apple.

It will also be of great help in reducing bad cholesterol and burning calories much faster. Drink it every day and if possible, on an empty stomach.

Watermelon and spinach juice

The watermelon contains more than 90% water; not surprisingly, it is a natural diuretic without equal. It also offers vitamins A and C and potassium, which help regulate blood pressure and eliminate toxins accumulated in the body.

As for spinach, however, it is a vegetable that burns fat, strengthens muscles, transports oxygen to the cells, etc.

How to prepare it:

Peel and cut the watermelon and wash the spinach leaves well. Blend well and drink it in the morning, without filtering it.

Orange, carrot and parsley juice

Oranges contain large amounts of folic acid, vitamin C and potassium; carrots, on the other hand, are rich in vitamins B, C, D, E and K, as well as folic acid which helps in various metabolic processes in the body. Furthermore, this food is ideal for satisfying the desire or anxiety of eating sweets.

Finally, as far as parsley is concerned, this plant has a lot of vitamin C and K, which helps to absorb calcium and prevent hardening of the arteries, a condition that causes heart problems.

How to prepare it:

Prepare this smoothie with a peeled and sliced ​​carrot, the juice of two oranges and a handful of parsley. Drink it every day.

Broccoli and pear juice

This tree-shaped vegetable is a great source of vitamins A, C, K, folic acid, and calcium. A study in the British Journal of Nutrition also claims that broccoli helps a lot in weight loss. Therefore, adding them to your fruit and vegetable drinks for weight loss is always a great idea.

How to prepare it:

You just have to wash the broccoli and the pear, peel the latter and cut it into pieces; put the ingredients in a smoothie and blend them until you get a homogeneous mixture. Drink this smoothie before meals, for example, to satiate hunger.

fruit and vegetable drink for weight loss

Carrot, beetroot, celery, carrot and cucumber juice


  • carrots
  • half a beet
  • 1 celery
  • 1 apple
  • half a cucumber.

How to prepare it:

Peel and cut all the ingredients, wash them well and blend them all. To give this juice a little more flavor, you can add a slice of ginger.

Vegetable-based detox juice


  • 3 carrots
  • 2 stalks of celery
  • 2 beets
  • 1 turnip
  • half a bunch of spinach
  • 3 cabbage leaves
  • half savoy cabbage
  • half onion
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • a little parsley.

How to prepare it:

Boil all the ingredients together, after washing and cutting them. Once cooked, let it cool and drain. You can drink this drink whenever you want to detox your body.

Images courtesy of Jan Jablunka, Alan Levine, Amanda Slater, Breville USA, Bertholf and Thomas Angermann.

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