Good Circulation Thanks To The 5 Best Herbal Teas

Although all these herbal teas are particularly beneficial for circulation, if you are undergoing specific medical treatment, we recommend that you consult your doctor first to rule out any possible side effects.
Good circulation thanks to the 5 best herbal teas

Good circulation plays a fundamental role in our health,  as it is responsible for best transporting oxygen and nutrients to all the cells in our body.

Having problems or obstructions in the circulatory system leads to the development of a number of disorders that negatively affect the quality of life when not treated in time. 

A sedentary lifestyle, poor diet and genetic changes are just some of the causes of major circulatory diseases.

These conditions are easy to diagnose, as they have symptoms of a certain severity, such as varicose veins, water retention and fatigue.

If the brain and other organs are not properly oxygenated, intense weakness is felt, both physically and mentally.

Fortunately, in the extensive catalog of remedies of natural origin, we find several  herbal teas that stimulate the correct blood flow  thanks to their nutritional richness.

On this occasion, we want to share with you the 5 best herbal teas to be taken as a remedy or as a preventive treatment. Discover them!

Herbal teas for good circulation

1. Horse tail tea

ponytail tea for good circulation

Horsetail tea is a natural drink that allows us to prevent arterial stiffening and the accumulation of lipids, such as cholesterol and triglycerides.

Its consumption reduces circulatory problems and helps prevent the formation of blood clots and varicose veins, ensuring good circulation. 


  • 2 tablespoons of horsetail (20 g)
  • 1 liter of water

How to do?

  • Heat the water. When it comes to a boil, pour it into a jug, with the 2 tablespoons of horsetail.
  • Let it rest for 5 to 10 minutes, strain it and drink it.
  • Drink one or two cups a day for a consecutive month.

2. Ginger tea

Ginger tea is easy to make and has a large amount of nutrients that improve health in many ways.

Its anti-inflammatory and anticoagulant properties preserve the health of blood vessels, thus preventing circulatory diseases.   

This herbal tea also acts as an effective tonic capable of protecting the arterial walls against the accumulation of lipids. A real cure-all for good circulation.


  • 2 pieces of fresh ginger
  • 1 glass of water (250 ml)
  • Honey and lemon (optional)

How to do?

  • Infuse the two pieces of ginger in a glass of boiling water and let it rest for 10 minutes.
  • Before drinking this herbal tea, you can add honey and lemon, to make the taste more pleasant.
  • Drink up to 3 cups a day, for at least 2 weeks in a row.

3. Willow bark tea

willow bark

Willow bark is also known as “natural aspirin”, thanks to its strong anticoagulant action and its ability to improve blood flow.

Its regular use thins the blood and prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases,  such as heart attacks, strokes and varicose veins.


  • 1 teaspoon of willow bark (5 g)
  • 1 glass of water (250 ml)

What to do?

  • Pour the tablespoon of willow bark into a glass of boiling water and let it sit for 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Drink once a day, every two or three days.

4. Dandelion herbal tea

Dandelion herbal tea has diuretic and purifying properties that reduce the presence of toxins in the blood.

Its consumption regulates the body’s fluids and reduces cardiovascular problems associated with poor blood circulation.


  • 1 tablespoon of dandelion (10 g)
  • 1 glass of water (250 ml)

How to do?

  • Boil the water and then add a tablespoon of dandelion.
  • Leave to infuse, over low heat, for two minutes; then pour it.
  • Drink this herbal tea 2 times a day for 3 weeks.

5. Rosemary herbal tea


Rosemary is one of the most used herbs in the gastronomic field, thanks to the special touch it brings to meat dishes.

However, in addition to these benefits, rosemary  has medicinal properties from which it is worth benefiting, especially to enjoy good circulation.

Its consumption as an herbal tea requires a significant supply of antioxidants, molecules that thin the blood and improve circulation. 


  • 1 tablespoon of dry rosemary (5 g)
  • 1 glass of water (250 ml)

How to do?

  • Heat the water and, when it comes to a boil, add the rosemary.
  • Lower the heat, let it boil for another 5 minutes, turn it off and let it rest for another 10.
  • After this time, pour and drink.
  • Drink a glass a day, every 3 days.

Choose only one of the herbal teas that we have proposed and always take it following the recommendations we have provided, in order to improve circulation to the maximum.

If you are taking any medicines or if you have any medical condition, the best thing to do is to consult your doctor before taking them.  

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