Grow Lashes Using Natural Methods

To make your eyelashes grow and strengthen them, you can use some natural remedies that we talk about in this article.
Grow your lashes using natural methods

All women want to have an attractive and seductive look. You sure want that when people look you in the eye, their lashes are perfect. It is not easy to always keep them beautiful. With the use of mascara and make-up they weaken and sometimes fall out more often than normal. To make your lashes grow and reduce damage, we recommend some natural methods.

Foods recommended to grow eyelashes

Like hair, eyelashes grow, but weaken or strengthen depending on how they are treated. It is essential to follow a healthy and balanced diet. You need to eat at least five raw vegetables every day.

It is also recommended to consume different types of fruit. In this way, you will get the necessary nutrients to have not only beautiful eyelashes and hair, but also strong nails and teeth.

Another very important food to include in your diet is oats. It is very rich in silicon, which will help you grow stronger and faster. It is a very easy food to include: you can eat it in soups, smoothies or paired with flour when cooking.

Goodbye stress

stress grow eyelashes

Avoid stressful situations. You may be wondering “what does stress have to do with eyelashes?”. When you are going through a stressful time, your hair becomes weak and falls out more than normal. The same thing happens with eyelashes. These too weaken and fall. It is harder to notice, but it happens with the same intensity as the hair.

Take vitamin H

Vitamin H, known as biotin, significantly strengthens lashes and helps them grow faster. You can get it through food. Being a B vitamin, you can find it in:

  • Bananas
  • Sardines
  • Walnuts
  • Almonds
  • Brewer’s yeast
  • Whole grains

By mid-morning, get used to eating nuts such as:

  • Walnuts
  • Almonds
  • Peanuts

Antioxidants and vitamin C


Antioxidants have as their major representatives vitamin C and vitamin E. These vitamins are responsible for fighting free radicals. They help to grow the eyelashes and strengthen the hair. If you do not take vitamin C, you will see split ends appear, you will see that the hair splits and dries up. Vitamin E increases circulation in the scalp.

You can find these vitamins in:

  • Citrus fruits (lemon, orange, mandarin)
  • Kiwis, in large quantities
  • Avocado
  • Green vegetables

Citrus fruits are easy to include in your diet – drink a glass of juice for breakfast! In this way you will strengthen your lashes, as well as follow a correct diet.

Sleeping without makeup

Don’t forget to remove your make-up to make your lashes grow. It is essential to remove eyelash makeup before going to bed. These are chemicals that help bring out your beauty, but weaken your lashes if they stay too long. It is also advisable to comb the lashes with the brush of a finished, but well-washed mascara.

There are other lash products besides mascara and thankfully they are natural. You can start testing them little by little, so that you can see the progress. Remember that eyelash growth is imperceptible.

Olive oil

olive oil

Olive oil is the natural conditioner for the eyelashes. Rub a few drops on your eyelids and lash roots every night. It is also recommended to rub it on the eyelashes. The next morning, rinse with plenty of water. By repeating this process for a month or two you will see that your lashes grow stronger and healthier.

Emu oil

Emu oil works for eyelashes like gasoline for cars. It gives energy and makes them grow thick and strong. Apply it with a cotton swab from root to tip. This oil is highly recommended for cosmetics in general, so you don’t need to apply it in the evening. You can apply it during the day and in addition give a special brightness to your eyes.


Vaseline is another eyelash conditioner. You can apply it and leave it overnight or rinse it off after 15 minutes. It is also applied to the base of the lashes and on the eyelids. Results begin to show within a few weeks.

We hope you adopt one of these treatments, but remember to use them in conjunction with a proper diet that will improve your lashes and your body in general.

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