Insulin Pens: Characteristics And Operation

Insulin pens are one of the fastest, easiest and most accurate ways to deliver insulin to diabetic patients.
Insulin pens: characteristics and operation

Insulin pens are the most popular method of delivering insulin to people with diabetes. It is a comfortable and precise mechanism. In today’s article we will show you the features and operation of insulin pens.

What is insulin?

Insulin produced by the pancreas

Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas whose function is to regulate the amount of glucose in the blood. This hormone is absent or unusable in diabetic patients. In fact, diabetes can have two different causes:

  • The body lacks insulin due to an autoimmune disease: type 1 diabetes.
  • The pancreas does not produce enough insulin to meet the body’s needs (insulin secretion deficiency) or the insulin produced does not work effectively (insulin resistance): type 2 diabetes.

Artificial insulin is essential for people with type 1 diabetes. To understand how it works in our bodies, we need to consider three aspects:

  • Absorption time: This is the time it takes before insulin gets into the blood and starts to lower glucose levels.
  • The peak of maximum action: this is the name of the point where insulin maximizes the glucose-lowering effect.
  • Duration of effect : this is the time that insulin remains in circulation, continuing to act on glucose levels.

Types of insulin

The types of insulin are classified according to the duration of their effect and the time they take to take effect. They are distinguished:

  • Ultra rapid insulin: the effect appears 15 minutes after injection. It peaks after about an hour and is effective in a range of 2-4 hours.
  • Rapid insulin: the hormone reaches the bloodstream approximately 30 minutes after administration. It peaks after 2-3 hours and efficacy persists for 3-6 hours after injection.
  • Intermediate insulin: the effect begins to appear 2-4 hours after injection. It reaches its peak 4-12 hours after administration and continues to act for a period of 12-18 hours.
  • Long-acting insulin : Generally, it reaches the blood several hours after injection and keeps glucose levels under control for the next 24 hours.

Types of insulin pens

Insulin pens

There are two types of insulin pens:

  • Pre-filled pens: used only once and are to be thrown away once the insulin has run out.
  • Refillable pens: have a device that allows you to change the insulin cartridge when it runs out.

It is possible to adjust the amount of insulin that is injected, in this way the patient can vary the doses according to his needs. To be safe, the needle should be changed each time a new dose is injected.

Advantages and disadvantages of insulin pens

The injection is faster and easier, because the dose is already prepared. In addition, thanks to their dosing system, insulin is injected with greater precision. Finally, there is the advantage of the format, which makes it easier to transport and to use daily.

However, insulin pens also have some disadvantages: for example, it is not possible to mix different types of insulin. They need to be cleaned and tested before each puncture, thus wasting insulin before each injection.

How are they used?

Both pre-filled and refillable insulin pens are equipped with a needle. These needles, in the case of refillable pens, must be changed after each use.

  • Step 1. Before injecting the insulin, wash your hands and adjust the dose with the required insulin units. Then, point the pen up and press until a drop comes out. This will be proof that the pen is working properly.
  • Step 2. Disinfect the area where the injection will be given and adjust the dosage. Now, squeeze the skin between your fingers and thread the needle with a quick, firm motion.
  • Step 3. Inject the insulin by pushing the plunger with your thumb and then discard the needle.

How to store your insulin pens

To store your insulin properly, you will need to pay attention to the storage temperature and time. It is advisable to keep the pens in the refrigerator, at a temperature of 4-8 ° C. Furthermore, they must not be exposed to intense light and heat sources.

It is not recommended to store them at temperatures below 2 ° C, because the insulin at these temperatures loses its effectiveness. However, even if you store it properly in the refrigerator, pay attention to the expiration date, which indicates the period in which the insulin is effective.


Insulin pens are the most accurate, fastest and easiest way to deliver insulin to people with diabetes. Always remember that these devices can be used for 30 days after first use.

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