Japanese Diet: Eat Healthy And Lose Weight

The Japanese diet is based on rice, vegetables and fish. Besides being inspired by their gastronomy, you can adopt their lifestyle habits: meditate, walk and enjoy the little things.
Japanese diet: eat healthy and lose weight

Have you ever heard of the Japanese weight loss diet? There have been many studies on this diet and its benefits for the body. Fresh food, small portions, vegetable drinks, rice, fish.

These are all simple and delicious things that can help you shed a few pounds. Do you want to know more about the Japanese diet ? Keep reading this article!

The secrets of the Japanese diet


1. A long-lived population with no cases of obesity

That’s right! Statistics reveal that people in Japan are living longer. And the key lies not only in the diet based on delicious dishes such as sushi and teriyaki, but also in the lifestyle of the Japanese.

It is a population very dedicated to work, but who also know how to find ways to rest, enjoy nature, relax and carry on a healthy lifestyle day after day.

In Japan, it is also unusual to meet obese people. In fact, only 3% of the female population has cases of obesity.

How is it possible? Is it the raw salmon? Or for sesame seeds which, according to some, bring strength and energy? The reality is that the Japanese follow very simple rules that we will explain below.

2. How do the Japanese eat?

  • The first rule is very simple: the Japanese always eat fresh food and in small portions. What does this mean? That their dishes are distinguished by quality and not by quantity. That is to say, no industrial or prepared foods to be heated in the microwave, no refined flours, fatty foods, but only fresh and natural ones.
  • Another aspect to consider is the way they eat: slowly and with gusto. They savor every bite without haste, enjoying the dish to the fullest. They never prepare cloying dishes. They focus above all on the presentation and on the visual game created by the combination of foods, this is because you eat not only with the mouth or stomach, but also with the eyes. The presentation is very important.
  • Now another important aspect: the Japanese do not consume dairy products. They are not even crazy about bread or meat. They are more likely to consume rice, vegetables and fish. Fresh fruit is also essential, but always in small portions.
  • Finally, the most important meal of the day for the Japanese is breakfast. In fact, they start the day with a series of very varied dishes, from vegetables to rice, from soup to eggs and as a drink there is always green tea.

Basic foods of the Japanese diet for weight loss

  • Rice : it is essential. If possible, it must always be integral.
  • Noodles : In your oriental diet you can include various Japanese specialties based on noodles (a type of pasta). There are several varieties of noodles: udon, somen, ramen, soba. They have an elongated and thin shape, similar to spaghetti or tagliatelle, of different sizes, prepared with different types of wheat, very healthy and above all with few carbohydrates. Many varieties are also suitable for people with celiac disease. This is a healthy option worth trying.
  • Fruits : especially Fuji apples, persimmons and mandarins. Delicious, isn’t it?
  • Fish : such as mackerel or salmon.
  • Soy, millet and tofu : they are rich in calcium and protein, a healthy alternative to dairy products with which to take care of your health. These foods are rich in antioxidants, reduce bad cholesterol and prevent diabetes. They are ideal for your diet.
  • Green tea : always essential.
  • Vegetables : Eggplant, bean sprouts, red beans, mushrooms, cabbage, ginger, squash, potatoes, bamboo, radishes and seaweed.

Examples of an oriental diet to lose weight

Below we give you an example of the diet you could follow for a day. Japanese cuisine offers many possibilities, it is not complicated to prepare and it is really tasty.

Remember that it is essential that all foods are fresh, that you have to play with colors when serving and that you must try to eat slowly, savoring all the ingredients.

The ideal would be to follow the diet that we present to you for at least ten days a month. IS a way to eat healthy and lose weight gradually. Take notes!


Miso soup
  • A tangerine.
  • A cup of miso broth : don’t worry, you can find such ingredients in specialty stores. It is a soup that is usually eaten for breakfast, it provides energy and contains little fat. It is made with dashi broth (fish broth), tofu, seaweed, miso (a flavored soy paste) and a spring onion.
  • A cup of green tea.


Sushi fish
  • A bowl of sushi (raw fish with rice) accompanied by soy sauce.
  • A cup of mushroom noodles.
  • An apple.
  • A cup of green tea.


  • Assorted sashimi (it is a dish with different types of fish cut into thin slices), accompanied by soy sauce and wasabi sauce (be careful with the wasab sauce, it is very spicy).
  • A bowl of brown rice.
  • An orange.
  • A cup of green tea.

Remember to also follow the habits of the Japanese: they meditate a lot, usually walk or cycle, appreciate every moment and enjoy the simple things in life.

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