Keep The Liver Healthy With Simple Natural Remedies

In this article we present some simple natural remedies that help keep the liver and the whole organism healthy effectively.
Keep your liver healthy with simple natural remedies

It is important to keep the liver healthy – it is the largest and one of the most important organ in our body. Its functions include transforming food into energy, eliminating toxins and helping the digestive process.

The liver is one of the organs that are most affected by improper nutrition, negative emotions and bad habits. In this article we will talk about some simple natural and inexpensive remedies with which to take care of the liver and keep it in good health.

Liver health affects hair and vision. If it is inflamed, you may feel pain under the ribs on the right side of the body and also in the corresponding area of ​​the back, you may have inflammation of the right trapezius, crow’s feet, yellowish skin or sclera of the eyes, problems with health such as cholesterol, menstrual problems, etc.

Food and nutrition to keep the liver healthy

Foods nourish or poison our liver, so the first thing to do is to pay attention to what you eat to keep this organ in good health. You will have to choose an organic food, free of additives (dyes, flavors, etc.), as natural as possible. Furthermore, we recommend that you avoid:

  • Alcohol
  • Fried foods
  • Red meat
  • Pre-cooked foods
  • Dairy product
  • White sugar
  • Artificial sweeteners

You have to keep in mind that drugs can also damage the liver. Always read the side effects on the package insert carefully.

Instead, the following foods will be of great help:

  • Apple and carrot juice
  • Grapefruit
  • Artichokes
  • Radish
  • Chicory
  • Green leafy vegetables
  • Alfalfa (or alpha-alpha) sprouts
  • Grapes
  • Strawberries
  • Broccoli
  • Cabbage
  • Brussels sprouts
Juice apples and carrots to keep the liver healthy

In addition to consuming these foods every day, it is very important to know that the liver regenerates at dawn, so the ideal thing to do is to have dinner early, eating little, so as not to spend all night digesting dinner.

Among the nutritional supplements or supplements, B vitamins are of great help.

These vitamins reduce transaminases and tone the liver. You can consume foods that contain them, such as brewer’s yeast, or even take some natural supplements.

Don’t hold back your emotions

The liver is not only affected by poor nutrition. In fact, according to Traditional Chinese Medicine, holding back anger and nerves also damages the liver. To avoid this, you must learn to manage your emotions and carry out activities that help you channel anger, such as a sporting or artistic activity.

There is also a homeopathic remedy that can help you in case of restrained anger: Chamomilla 15 CH. Three balls under the tongue are enough, three times a day, away from meals, including liquids and foods with strong or mint flavors (chewing gum, toothpaste, etc.).

hot water bottle

Like the kidneys, the liver is an organ that tends to cool down when not functioning properly. To avoid this, when you go to bed, place a cloth moistened with warm water on the ribs of the right side of the body.

If it’s not too hot, cover everything with a blanket. It is also a fantastic remedy for insomnia. However, we recommend that you do not use this remedy during the day as it can cause fatigue. .

Coffee enemas

It is an ancient remedy practiced by many people to keep the liver healthy. It consists of making enemas with roasted and powdered coffee. Boil a liter of water with three tablespoons of coffee for 5 minutes over high heat and 15 minutes over low heat. Filter the water until all residues are eliminated.

Wait for it to cool down and use half a liter for enemas. Once the liquid has been introduced, lean on your right side, trying to resist for 10 or 15 minutes before evacuating it. It is a very powerful remedy that acts directly on the liver by increasing the activity of gamma-glutamyl transferase.

Fasting lemon and oil

There is also a very simple remedy that will help keep your liver and gallbladder healthy every morning. So all you need to  do is drink one tablespoon of untreated lemon juice and one tablespoon of cold pressed olive oil every morning on an empty stomach.

Wait half an hour and then drink a glass or two of warm water. Right after you can have breakfast. This remedy will be very useful especially for people suffering from constipation.


Medical plants

Especially bitter herbs help keep the liver healthy and make it work properly. In fact, you can drink infusions of the plants that we list below every day:

  • Dandelion
  • Artichoke
  • Milk thistle : regenerates the liver
  • Boldo
  • Celandine

You can also sweeten these infusions with rosemary honey or stevia and add a little untreated lemon juice.

Images courtesy of elle_ann y Will Merydith.

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