Kidneys: 8 Habits That Can Affect Their Health

In addition to indiscriminate drug use, other habits such as excessive salt consumption or not drinking enough water can be harmful to our kidney health.
Kidneys: 8 habits that can affect your health

The kidneys are the organs responsible for filtering waste substances that travel through the blood.

Through urine they are able to eliminate most of the toxins that come from food, the environment and drugs.

Among other functions they also have the task of producing certain hormones, controlling blood pressure and the balance of electrolyte levels.

As with the other systems of our organism, many of their functions can be compromised due to some pathologies.

Sometimes we don’t give the kidneys the proper care. So we adopt habits that, in some way, can lead to premature kidney failure.

Do you recognize any of them? Try to correct it now!

Retain urine

woman holding urine

Some people don’t go to the bathroom when the body asks. While it may appear harmless, sometimes necessary, it can actually compromise kidney health.

  • Holding urine for a prolonged time increases the level of inflammation in the urinary tract and can lead to kidney disease
  • This habit leads to an increase in pressure in the bladder and can cause difficulties in the correct elimination of waste.

2. Drink a little water

For proper kidney function and an optimal detoxification process, it is essential to ensure adequate consumption of water and healthy fluids.

  • Fluids keep the body hydrated and help channel metabolic waste which is subsequently eliminated in the urine
  • A dehydrated body promotes the appearance of kidney stones, infections and inflammatory diseases.

3. Smoking

person with cigarette

People who smoke every day are aware of the harm they can suffer from the toxins contained in cigarettes.

  • These waste substances travel through the body through infected blood, as well as affect the lungs, kidneys and heart.
  • Their accumulation in the body hinders the kidney’s cleansing process and increases sensitivity to infections.

4. The choice of unsuitable liquids

Taking carbonated drinks, energy drinks, and other industrial sodas can trigger many diseases associated with kidney failure.

  • These drinks contain too much sugar and additives which, by hindering metabolism, have a negative impact on kidney health
  • Drinking them every day, or in large quantities, affects the onset of kidney stones, inflammation and chronic kidney disease.

5. Consuming too much sodium

salt shaker and salt

Sodium is not only present in the table salt we use in the kitchen. It is also concentrated in many commonly consumed foods.

  • This substance, which in a certain dose is not harmful, accumulates in the body and increases fluid retention and kidney problems.
  • Its uncontrolled consumption, which is quite common, is related to arterial hypertension and premature renal failure
  • Also, since it interferes with the balance of other minerals, it can produce an electrolyte imbalance.

6. Take non-prescription medicines

Non-prescription medicines, also called “over-the-counter” medicines, are useful for calming common health problems, such as back pain or headaches.

  • These, particularly pain relievers, can have side effects on kidney health
  • Their chemical compounds must be metabolized by the body and, when taken without precautions, they cause serious difficulties both in the kidney and in the liver.
  • Excessive consumption of drugs such as aspirin, acetaminophen or ibuprofen have been linked to kidney failure.

7. Getting too much protein

Red meat

Proteins are recommended in nutrition for the role they play in building muscle mass and metabolism.

Yet, even if they are essential, they should not be consumed excessively. In particular those of animal origin.

  • The abuse of proteins strains the work of the kidneys and can favor the onset of chronic diseases.

8. Lead a sedentary lifestyle

People who lead a sedentary lifestyle have a higher risk of suffering from kidney disease than those who are more active.

  • In particular, sedentary people tend to have poor nutrition, which creates difficulties in the work of the kidneys

Lack of physical activity compromises blood circulation and, for this reason, hinders the elimination of retained fluids.

On the other hand, it increases the risk of suffering from high blood pressure and, by compromising immune health, increases the risk of suffering from infections.

Are you worried about the health of your kidneys? If you follow any of the habits described, make sure you take some action to avoid suffering the consequences.

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