Learn How To Remove Calluses Effectively

Although corns do not cause any pain or discomfort at first, over time they can become painful, making it difficult to walk or perform other daily activities.
Learn how to remove corns effectively

Getting rid of corns effectively  isn’t that difficult. This problem occurs when there is excessive friction or pressure on the feet or hands, which triggers a defense mechanism by which the skin protects itself from blistering and ulcers that can be infectious.

Although corns do not cause any pain or discomfort at first, over time they can become painful, making it difficult to walk or perform other daily activities.

Many people make the grave mistake of trying to eradicate or cut the callus to reduce this unsightly piece of dry, thick skin.

However, this can be very painful or cause infections that can make the problem even worse. For this reason, alternatives must be found to eliminate corns effectively.

Although there are various homemade remedies that help eliminate calluses naturally, in the case of people with diabetes or other conditions that inhibit blood circulation it is recommended to seek medical advice.

For those who can follow a homemade treatment, here are our tips and remedies to eliminate corns effectively.

Tips to prevent and eliminate corns effectively

Calloused feet
  • The first step in preventing and eliminating calluses is to replace the footwear that is causing this foot discomfort. Often shoes that are too tight, especially at the toe, cause this type of problem to form, so if you don’t change it, it will be difficult to eliminate it completely. Possibly, comfortable and breathable shoes should be used. For this you should also try to wear socks when wearing a closed shoe.
  • Keep the skin on your feet clean and dry at all times. If you suffer from sweating feet, don’t forget to use an antiperspirant and a pair of socks.
  • After a difficult day, prepare a foot bath with warm water and liquid soap. Soak your feet for 10 minutes and you will see what a relief.

Natural treatments to eliminate corns effectively

Pumice stone

To start this treatment, you need to soak your feet in warm water for about 20 minutes. After this time, scrape the corns with a pumice stone, making a side-to-side motion.

Rinse the stone and feet often to get rid of any small residue that remains as it rubs.

File the necessary time by being careful not to reach the healthy skin layer. When your feet are pink and you notice a difference in the callus, you can finish the treatment.

Treatment based on garlic and lemon

Garlic and lemon treatment

This garlic and lemon treatment helps eliminate dead cells accumulated on the callus, softening it to facilitate its elimination.

You just need to mix a teaspoon of dried chamomile with lemon juice and a clove of crushed garlic.

Apply this remedy on the affected area and leave it on for 20 minutes before rinsing off with warm water.

Baking soda to eliminate corns effectively

Even a product as cheap and easy to find as baking soda is ideal for eliminating annoying and painful corns.

You just have to dissolve three teaspoons of baking soda in warm water and soak your feet for 30 minutes.

Treatment based on onion, salt and lemon

Chopped onion

This treatment helps eliminate bacteria and dead cells that can accumulate on the callus. The lemon and onion help to deeply cleanse and soften the skin, while the salt allows it to exfoliate naturally.

You just have to cut a slice of onion and pour a few drops of lemon juice and a pinch of salt over it.

Cover it with a bandage so that it stays on the callus all night and repeat the process every day.

Tomato based treatment

Another way to soften and eliminate corns in a natural way is to take advantage of the properties of the tomato.

This ingredient helps soften the callus and facilitates its elimination.

You just have to extract the tomato pulp and apply it directly on the affected area. Afterwards, cover with a bandage and leave it on overnight.

Repeat the treatment every day before going to sleep.

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