Lemon Tart To Prepare At Home

By replacing sugar with stevia, this recipe is also suitable for those on a diet or who have to pay attention to sugar doses.
Lemon tart to prepare at home

If you want to try your hand at a simple and delicious dessert, try the lemon tart. It is low in calories, refreshing and recommended for all family members due to its multiple health properties. The lemon, in fact, concentrates an infinite number of tasty benefits.

The lemon tart recipe that we present is also suitable for diabetics, in fact it includes the addition of stevia. Thanks to this natural sweetener, even those on a diet or who have to keep sugar levels under control for health reasons will be able to indulge in this “cheat”.

Nutritional properties of the lemon tart

Properties of lemon
  • Thanks to vitamin C it strengthens the immune defenses by preventing various diseases, especially of the respiratory tract: colds, flu, congestion, hoarseness, tonsillitis.
  • It is an excellent source of antioxidants.
  • It offers an antitoxic action, defending against microbial agents and the effects of some medicines.
  • It is rich in minerals, such as potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, sodium and phosphorus.
  • It is an excellent source of all B vitamins, essential for digestion, to protect the body from certain diseases and to improve metabolism.
  • The lemon tart that we present is suitable for diabetic people and dieters due to the absence of sugar.

Lemon tart recipe

Lemon tart recipe


For the shortcrust pastry

  • one and a half cups of flour
  • 100 grams of butter
  • half a tablespoon of stevia powder
  • 3 yolks
  • 3 tablespoons of cold water

For the filling

  • The juice of 5 lemons
  • Half a teaspoon of stevia powder
  • 75 grams of cornstarch (corn flour)
  • 6 yolks
  • 4 egg whites
  • 45 grams of butter
  • Half a glass of cold milk
  • 3 walnuts


  • First, grease the pan with a little butter to prevent the cake from sticking to it and preheat the oven to about 170 ÂșC.
  • Start preparing the shortcrust pastry. It is very simple and you just need to follow a few steps. In a bowl, mix the flour with the butter. You simply have to use your fingertips to mix the indicated amount of flour with the butter.
  • Then add the stevia, the three egg yolks and the water needed to get the right consistency. Knead well until it forms a ball. Then, wrap it in cling film and leave it in the fridge for about 15 minutes.
  • After the quarter of an hour, the dough will be perfectly homogeneous. It’s time to put the tart in the mold. You will have to shape it to make it acquire the shape and make it adhere well, the edge must be at least two centimeters, high enough to contain the filling.
  • Bake the shortcrust pastry  for about 25 minutes; then let it cool to room temperature.
  • Now prepare the lemon filling, which is also easy. Squeeze the lemons and add half a teaspoon of stevia to the juice. After that, bring the juice to a boil.
  • Add the cornmeal to half a glass of cold milk, mixing well. When you don’t see any more lumps, add this mixture to the boiling lemon juice. In this way the dough will thicken and you will avoid annoying lumps in the cream.
  • Keep stirring as it thickens. Then, add the egg yolks and butter, always stirring. Once ready, remove it from the heat and let it cool to room temperature.
  • Pour this delicious mixture into the shortcrust pastry and put it in the oven for another five minutes.
  • At this point, prepare the meringues. Beat the egg whites until stiff and decorate the lemon tart to your liking. Finally, you can put some pieces of walnuts on top for an extra touch of flavor.
  • As a last step, put the tart in the oven in grill mode to brown it for a few minutes.

You can present the lemon tart on a large plate, with a simply fantastic result. You will make all family members happy, even those who cannot always enjoy desserts.

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