More Beautiful And Healthier Hair Thanks To 8 Tips

In this article we want to offer you some tips and treatments based on natural products for more beautiful and healthy hair.
More beautiful and healthier hair thanks to 8 tips

While we all want to have more beautiful and healthier hair primarily for aesthetic reasons, it also has a biological function that makes the body feel magnetic alterations so that it can find a balance.

Hair is an extension of our person, it has its roots in the blood and feeds on the digestive system. Hair is closely connected to the nervous system and consists mainly of muscle tissue, keratin, oils, proteins and silicon.

To have perfect hair, it is necessary to take care of it, as it is often exposed to many factors that can weaken and damage it. Luckily, there are several simple and natural methods to ensure hair is healthy so that it always looks beautiful and shiny. Do you want to learn how to take care of your hair? Keep reading the article!

Tips for hair health and beauty

Most people are concerned only with washing their hair and combing it every day, ignoring other daily habits that serve to make their hair appear more hydrated and healthy. Below we will give you some suggestions.

Brush your hair every day

more beautiful and healthier hair

Brushing your hair several times a day stimulates blood circulation in the scalp. This habit allows the hair to grow stronger and healthier. If you want soft and thick hair, then it’s time to make friends with a comb and brush and to comb your hair two or three times a day.

Rinse your hair with cold water

Using hot water usually weakens the scalp, so hair appears dry and stripped of its shine. Instead, cold water is very good for hair health because it seals the cuticles and makes them shiny and soft.

Obviously you don’t have to rinse your hair with cold water, just when you shower, use cold or lukewarm water.

Avoid excessive exposure to the sun and heat

Sun exposure

When the hair is exposed to heat frequently, the scalp dries up and consequently, over time, the hair loses its vitality and brightness.

Frequent use of straighteners, hairdryers and curling irons weakens the hair, promotes the formation of split ends and prevents their growth. To avoid damage of this type, the ideal is to reduce the use of tools of this type or in any case use a moisturizing treatment for the hair and scalp.

Be careful when removing the knots

Knots are a major problem, especially if you don’t follow proper treatment to remove them. There are those who eliminate them abruptly, but it is not the best solution. When we pull out our hair to get rid of knots, we do nothing but damage our hair.

Do you want to know a trick? Apply a little jojoba oil or coconut oil to the knot, let it act for a few minutes, then detangle the hair. The knot will go away more easily.

Trim your hair frequently

Split ends

The ends of the hair can appear very dry and, over time, become damaged to the point that the hair looks less healthy and duller. Experts recommend cutting the ends of your hair at least once every two months to promote good health.

Follow a healthy and balanced diet

Diet plays a fundamental role in terms of hair health, in fact the nutrients that food provides are of vital importance for the well-being of our hair. IS It is essential to increase the consumption of fruits, vegetables, nuts, dairy products, fish and drink a good amount of water every day.

Treatments for healthier and more beautiful hair

Finally, to complete the good habits to have healthy and beautiful hair, you can resort to natural treatments in order to moisturize and strengthen it. There are different types of masks, conditioners, shampoos and cosmetics to take care of the hair. Below we will give you some tips, ideal for dry hair and combination hair.

Avocado and egg treatment


Avocado is known for its multiple benefits for hair and skin health, in fact it is rich in nutrients and essential oils. In this treatment, avocado combines with egg to obtain a powerful ally in hair care.


  • A ripe avocado
  • 1 egg yolk
  • A spoonful of olive oil

What do you have to do?

In a bowl, mash the ripe avocado pulp with a fork, then add the egg yolk and olive oil. Mix all the ingredients well and apply the paste obtained on the entire length of the hair and on the scalp. Leave on for 20 to 30 minutes. Rinse and wash your hair as usual. Repeat this treatment twice a month.

Banana and lemon treatment

With this simple remedy you will give your hair hydration, as well as clean it thoroughly and repair damage.


  • 1 ripe banana
  • Lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon of sunflower oil

What do you have to do?

Mash the banana in a bowl with the help of a fork. Add the lemon juice and sunflower oil. After obtaining a homogeneous cream, apply it on damp hair and let it act for 20 to 30 minutes. Rinse and wash your hair as usual.

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