Motivation, 5 Ways To Find It When You Are Oppressed

While it may seem impossible at times, finding the motivation to achieve your goals is easier than you think. It is essential to believe in yourself and remember your goals.   
Motivation, 5 ways to find it when you are oppressed

Even the safest person in the world can sometimes have a hard time finding motivation. Sometimes you get used to the routine in such a way that you think positive changes are asking too much.

Do not despair, there is still hope. There are some scientifically proven tips that can help overcome the loss of motivation and make a positive change in your lives.  

Motivation is a process that takes time, repetition and discipline. 

The good news is that any person can overcome a lack of motivation and achieve their goals. Even the most successful people in the world have felt apathetic or down in the dumps, but have managed to recover.

For this reason, it is important to remember that it is never too late to find motivation.

If you keep up with the following 5 simple steps, you can make positive changes in your life to overcome obstacles and achieve your goals.

1. Motivation means you will keep your goal in mind

motivation of a boy who concentrates

Probably, if you are feeling depressed, it is because you want to do more than you can, regardless of approach or willpower.

It is important that you focus on one goal at a time. In this way,  you can devote all your efforts  to this  and change your life in a decisive way.

Do you want to lose weight? Would you like to read more? Do you want to wake up early? Choose your goal and keep it clear. For example: I want to lose 5 kg by January 1st 2017.

2. Look for a why

It’s about finding the fuel that will help you find the motivation itself, your why. Human beings are programmed to avoid pain and seek what brings pleasure.

Experiencing pain in the short term can be a good strategy for making changes that will improve your quality of life in the long run. 

In order to overcome the pain, there is no other solution than change. This is probably what your mind needs to get better.

Find out what your pain and pleasure points are and link them to your goal.

3. Create a routine to achieve success

girl with flower in hand

Once you have established your goal, it is important that you take into account that there are things that have nothing to do with seeking motivation as you strive to achieve your goal.

When you change your daily actions and include new habits, you are able to change your cycle of actions in your favor,  instead of holding on to bad habits.

You don’t have to make huge changes to get an improvement. You can start little by little, and increase them over time.

It is a simple thing, like doing physical activity for 20 minutes a day, at a certain time slot, and increasing it little by little, when you deem it necessary.

Program your mind to break with your habits and create a routine that allows you to receive a reward. Notes on your mobile can be of great help to you.

4. To be more motivated, you need to take responsibility

Human beings are programmed to find consistency between what they are and what they demonstrate to others.

This can help you find motivation when you want to achieve your goals.

motivation go running girl

When, for example, you run a marathon, you can challenge your friends or ask them to bet (little money) on you. This will motivate you to do whatever is within your reach or not in order to get what you promised.

It’s not necessarily about becoming a professional athlete or having to finish first. You don’t even have to do it just to prove something to others.

Remember that goals are personal and reaching your goal must be primarily an end to be proud of yourself. 

Talk to people about your goals, post your progress on social networks and look for people who want to achieve the same goals as you. In this way, you will be surrounded by people who support you and who always motivate you.

5. Remember why it all began

It’s easy to lose the motivation you had in the beginning when you set your goal. For this, you must always remember why it all began. 

Use phrases that motivate you, such as mens sana in corpore sano  (“healthy mind in a healthy body”).

You can also repeat the mantras. Put them in places where you can see them when you go to sleep or when you wake up.

You can also push yourself further and make a self-motivational video for the future, reminding yourself of your motivations to change and why you will have to move forward when everything is more difficult.

The only way to be aware of what you need is to change and improve when you talk about yourself.

Do you feel oppressed? Are you unhappy with the life you lead? Take control of your life and get to work. Put these ideas into practice and take the path to the life you desire.

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