Natural Remedies To Rebalance The Menstrual Cycle

Menstrual pains are common in many women but are not normal. There are foods that are ideal for rebalancing the menstrual cycle, such as avocado and figs.
Natural remedies to rebalance the menstrual cycle

Rebalancing the menstrual cycle is very important in cases where you suffer from the following ailments: pain or discomfort before or during the period, irregularity or lack of the cycle, heavy menstruation, etc.

In this article we list the most effective natural remedies to rebalance the menstrual cycle and improve the quality of our life. 

Are menstrual pains normal?

The pains that many women suffer from before or during their menstrual period are quite common but not normal. Pain is a symptom used by our body to warn us about the malfunction of an organ or a system.

While this does not necessarily imply the existence of serious ailments, it is still something that we should try to rebalance to prevent greater ills and to have a better quality of life.

Although gynecologists do not have many solutions for period pain (with the exception of the birth control pill which is a palliative solution and does not cure the problem) there are a wide variety of natural remedies to treat this and other imbalances in the menstrual cycle.

By rebalancing our hormonal system, we will also notice many other health benefits that we probably did not know were associated with menstruation.

How to rebalance the menstrual cycle?

Below we list the foods, supplements and natural remedies useful for rebalancing the hormonal system in general and the menstrual cycle in particular.



Maca is a tuber originally from Peru, in the Andes area, where it is consumed regularly. It acts as a hormonal regulator on any type of imbalance. In addition, it provides energy and benefits to hair, skin and nails.

Maca, a vegetable similar to turnip or radish, is rich in amino acids, vitamins B, C and E, and minerals such as zinc, magnesium, calcium and iron. These properties make it an excellent remedy for both cycle irregularities and symptoms of climacteric and menopause.

We can take 500 to 1,000 mg three times a day, either in capsule form or as a powder dissolved in some drink. We will always start with a small amount that we will progressively increase. In some cases, in fact, it could cause nervousness.

Evening primrose oil

Evening primrose, also known as “woman’s plant”, is a medium-term solution to rebalance the menstrual cycle.

Evening primrose oil, which we can find mainly in capsules, helps reduce the annoying symptoms that women suffer from before and during menstruation, both physically and emotionally.

Evening primrose is also very beneficial during menopause and as a natural treatment for skin disorders.



Avocado is not only a very complete fruit on a nutritional level, essential in any healthy diet.

This fruit also stands out for its content of plant sterols which rebalance our hormonal levels if consumed in a habitual way.

Eating avocados helps us to promote the production of progesterone and to balance the excess estrogen caused by food, pollution, stress and bad habits.


Figs are tender and sweet fruits, a delicacy for the palate and an incredibly medicinal food. In women, figs have the virtue of rebalancing the hormonal system and improving the irregularities of the uterus and the menstrual cycle.

In addition to the fruit that we can consume fresh or dry, the leaves of the fig tree, consumed in the form of an infusion, also contain plant hormones that are very beneficial for women.

We can consume three figs a day, alone or combined in salads, smoothies, juices or as a side dish for other types of dishes.

Brewer’s yeast

Brewer's yeast

Brewer’s yeast is a superfood that we can add to our diet to enrich it and give it a different flavor.

It is rich in vitamins and minerals, among which zinc stands out, which has the property of regulating the hormonal system. It acts in particular on the thyroid hormones, progesterone and testosterone.

We can consume a tablespoon (8 g) of powdered brewer’s yeast every day, mixed with a yogurt, juice or any other food.

We can also find it in capsules, tablets or in the form of live liquid yeast. Although nutritional yeast is very beneficial.

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