Natural Therapies Against The Symptoms Of Arthritis

Natural therapies are now accepted by the medical community as adjuvants in the treatment of arthritis. Followed up regularly, they help to calm symptoms and better manage the emotional implications of the disease. Discover four interesting alternatives. 
Natural therapies against the symptoms of arthritis

For some years now, natural therapies for arthritis symptoms have been gaining popularity. They can be integrated into the treatment of this condition to relieve pain, reduce stiffness and improve the quality of life. This is a topic that interests a great many people.

The term “arthritis” includes a group of diseases that present with joint pain and inflammation. According to data released by the Arthritis Foundation , there are about 100 types of arthritis. In the United States alone, 50 million people suffer from this disorder.

The best known forms of the disease are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. The first is a degenerative disease characterized by wear of the cartilage, a substance that protects the ends of the bones and allows to cushion the impact of movement.

Rheumatoid arthritis, on the other hand, is an immune disease, in which the immune system incorrectly attacks the joints, generating an uncontrolled state of inflammation.

In both cases, it is essential to receive a medical diagnosis on which the choice of treatment will depend. In general, however, the natural approach can help improve symptoms and prevent other complications.

4 natural therapies for arthritis symptoms

Natural therapies against the symptoms of arthritis have been accepted by the scientific community as an adjuvant method, useful for reducing pain and improving psychophysical well-being.

According to a review article published in the journal Pain Management Nursing , in combination with conventional medicine, this therapeutic option can improve the patient’s quality of life.

The natural approach has shown, in particular, its ability to strengthen joints, decrease stiffness and improve balance.

At the same time, it appears to offer positive effects on the management of stress, anxiety and other emotions related to the consequences of the disease. In reality, you don’t have to wait for arthritis to develop: a healthy lifestyle is already a form of prevention.

1. Tai Chi

Tai Chi is often recommended as a natural therapy for arthritis patients. The slow and fluid movements of this discipline of oriental origin help to increase balance, flexibility and muscle strength.

According to an article published in the journal Plos One , 12 weeks of Tai Chi has been shown to be enough to reduce pain and stiffness in patients with osteoarthritis. Tai Chi sequences also help improve physical function. It is always advisable to rely on the advice of a teacher or an expert.

Tai Chi in the park.
Tai Chi improves balance and muscle strength, as well as calms joint symptoms.

2. Yoga

Although yoga was born as a spiritual practice, it also has an interesting therapeutic potential. In fact, many people now practice it as a physical discipline. A particular type of yoga, known as Iyengar yoga, can support the treatment of arthritis.

The positions of Iyengar yoga aim at correct alignment, even with the help of accessories for supporting the body. After a few sessions, the joints become more flexible. These effects are supported by a study published in The Clinical Journal of Pain .

According to the research findings, “a brief IY intervention is a useful and safe complementary treatment for young people with rheumatoid arthritis. It improves the perception of life, disability caused by pain, fatigue and mood.

3. Acupuncture

It is a technique borrowed from Chinese medicine and is able to integrate the treatment of various ailments including arthritis. It involves inserting fine needles into the skin at specific points on the body.

As indicated by an article published in the International Journal of Integrative Medical Science , acupuncture can help relieve chronic pain, including that caused by osteoarthritis. This effect is due to the fact that it activates the body’s natural pain-relieving processes, stimulates the nerves and improves circulation.

Acupuncture among the natural therapies against the symptoms of arthritis.
Acupuncture stimulates the nerves and improves blood circulation.

4. Therapeutic massage

Therapeutic massages on muscles and joints stimulate circulation and induce relaxation. They are often prescribed as a supplementary therapy to relieve pain caused by arthritis. However, they must be performed by a professional.

In a study published in the medical journal Pain Medicine , volunteers who received a Swedish massage expressed improvement in knee osteoarthritis symptoms and quality of life.

Other previous studies have reported the same effects, although more research is needed. As with other therapies, massage also helps to control stress, tension and improve tone. The effects can be enhanced through the use of some essential oils.

Natural therapies for arthritis symptoms: a help

The treatment of diseases such as arthritis is complex and always requires specialist intervention. However, supplementation with natural therapies is now widely accepted as the effects are proven by medical research.

But even in this case, it is always good to rely on expert hands ; if practiced incorrectly, they could be counterproductive.

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