Night Headache: Possible Causes

If nocturnal headaches occur regularly, it is important to consult a specialist so that they can perform the necessary tests and determine the causes.
Night headache: possible causes

The night headache affects our ability to rest and the possibility of enjoying a restorative sleep thanks to which we get up the next day with strength and optimism. Precisely for this reason it is important to know what could be the causes of this annoyance and how to intervene in the right way.

This annoyance is much more widespread than you might think. It has happened to everyone at least once in their life. While we often confuse it with the common headache, nocturnal headaches don’t manifest quite the same way.

Night headache: 5 possible causes

Sometimes already when we go to bed we feel some discomfort, a certain pain that progresses and acquires greater intensity during the night. Then we open our eyes and feel overwhelmed, as if a heavy fog oppressed our heads until we were left without strength.

Headaches can be caused by many factors. However, what appears suddenly during the night, interrupting our rest, responds to other factors.

Woman with headache

1. Hypnic headache

Hypnic headache is not well known. It must be said that it can show up during the night and even while we take a day nap.

  • It usually occurs during the REM phase. It is a mild, but incisive pain, which can usually last 15 minutes, but up to an hour or even two.
  • Not much is known about its causes, but what is clear is that it always appears at this particular stage of sleep.
    It is therefore believed that hypnic headache may be related to a sudden drop in melatonin, the hormone that promotes our rest.
  • Hypnic headache usually appears after the age of 50.

2. Foods with inflammatory properties


This is also a factor that we do not always take into consideration. There are some foods that, if consumed in excess, alter our body.

  • Dishes rich in monosodium glutamate, when eaten at dinner, often cause a severe headache at night.
  • This synthetic additive, in addition to being unhealthy, is highly addictive.
  • It gives an intense flavor to many products of our daily diet, such as sauces, creams, bouillon cubes and many precooked foods.
  • Even the cheese or other dairy products cause inflammation  and often cause sore head overnight.

All this forces us to check the quality of our dinners a little more, choosing well which products to serve in this last meal of the day.

3. Headache from sinusitis

Sinus headaches are also associated with nocturnal headaches.

  • This type of headache is caused by sinusitis.
  • Pain in the affected sinus is very intense. There is a strong sensitivity that also reaches the ears and head.
  • People often think that it is due to some sort of migraine or vascular type headache.
  • These conditions usually intensify at night if there is a very dry environment in the room. Consequently , humidifiers are highly recommended.

4. Exploding Head Syndrome

It is as curious as it is true. The exploding head syndrome was discovered as early as the late 19th century, yet the causes are still unclear today.

This disorder falls into the category of so-called parasomnia, that is, it is a sleep disorder:

It is a severe night headache that occurs just when the person is about to fall asleep. Usually, women suffer from it more than men.

There are people who only experience it once in a lifetime, while for others it can last for months. In all cases observed this problem usually disappears on its own.

The clues we currently have are associated with some kind of injury to one of the ear bones. They can also be due to an error in the activity of neurons just as we are about to fall asleep.

5. Cluster headache

Cluster headache

Cluster headache is a type of migraine that occurs more in men than in women.

  • It appears between two and three hours after falling asleep.
  • The pain is severe and lasts a relatively short time, from 15 minutes to half an hour.
  • The pain is located on one side of the head, behind one eye, and can reach the temples and neck.
  • Symptoms that accompany this headache also include swollen eyes, runny nose, watery eyes, etc.
  • Cluster headache can be chronic in some cases.

Does your head hurt?

If you have been experiencing any of these problems for several days, you should see a doctor. In fact, it is important for a doctor to carry out a complete examination, to try to understand what is happening to you and what is the best way to deal with the problem, to regain well-being and live a normal life.

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