Pectin: Benefits And Properties Of This Vegetable Fiber

Pectin is a plant fiber with numerous positive effects for our health. In this space we explain why it is so important to include it in the diet and in which foods we can find it. Don’t miss this article!
Pectin: benefits and properties of this vegetable fiber

Pectin is a vegetable fiber found in fruit and which, when dissolved in water, forms a gel. It is an excellent thickener when combined with sugar or the same acids as sugar.

The amount of pectin present in fruit depends on the state of ripeness of the same: the more ripe a fruit, the less pectin is present. In general, quince, apples and citrus fruits are the fruits with a higher amount of pectin.

This substance is mainly used in the food industry to make jam. The addition of pectin reduces the amount of sugar needed to thicken the product and reduces cooking times. As if that were not enough, with this substance it is possible to produce a greater quantity of jam per kilogram of fruit.

Properties of pectin

  • It has the ability to lower the lipid profile as it absorbs the juices secreted by the liver in the intestine. This helps eliminate LDL cholesterol.
  • It improves the symptoms of intestinal problems, since it is a vegetable fiber. When mixed with water, it increases the volume of the food bolus, thus improving the state of diarrhea and constipation.
  • It is a practically calorie-free substance. It gives more volume to the food product, without however adding energy value, so it is an ally in case it is necessary to increase the feeling of satiety. For this reason, its use in slimming diets is interesting, as it reduces the stimulus of hunger.
  • It absorbs sugars and fats in the intestine and blocks their absorption. This function, combined with the previous one, contributes to weight loss.
  • It increases the production of bile acids and thus regulates blood pressure.
Woman eating an apple
Apples, as well as citrus and quince, are an important source of pectin.

The importance of fiber consumption

The WHO recommends consuming both soluble and insoluble fiber regularly. In fact, it has been shown that regular consumption of this substance improves the composition of the intestinal microbiota. Furthermore, it protects the digestive system from the various forms of cancer that attack it and improves the symptoms of certain intestinal pathologies.

Furthermore, the consumption of fiber is extremely important for people with diabetes, as it helps to regulate the glycemic curve and helps to keep the disease under control. On the other hand, the importance of a healthy microbiota for overall health has been discovered in recent years.

In general, these colonies of bacteria are associated with proper organic functionality, since they reduce the chances of depression, improving sports performance and preventing complex and chronic diseases.

To maintain the balance of these bacteria, it is essential to regularly consume probiotics (such as yogurts) and prebiotics. The latter are non-digestible substances that stimulate the selective proliferation of bacteria. They are usually part of the fiber complex.

Pectin in citrus fruits
Some supplements may contain pectin; however, the ideal is to obtain it from fresh foods, such as fruit and vegetables.

The problem of industrial production

In recent years, the consumption of refined foods has increased. These are characterized by a high sugar content and low fiber content. Reducing the consumption of fiber in a diet results in a worsening of intestinal function and an increased risk of developing diseases.

One way to remedy this situation is to increase fruit consumption. Fruit pectin increases the volume of the food bolus, purifying the intestinal walls and promoting the synthesis of short-chain fatty acids in the intestine.

These fatty acids have an anti-inflammatory power and ensure the proper functioning of the intestine ; at the same time, they are associated with a lower risk of disease.

Pectin: Concluding Reflections

Pectin is a fiber used mainly in industrial processes, precisely because it acts as a thickener. It is found in fruit and consuming it routinely improves intestinal health and helps prevent diarrhea and constipation. It also performs functions associated with improving blood pressure or the glycemic curve in diabetes.

It is interesting to combine the consumption of pectin, probiotics and prebiotics, with a certain frequency. In this way we will stimulate selective microbial growth and the formation of short-chain fatty acids in the intestine, with a powerful anti-inflammatory effect.

One of the best tips for increasing pectin consumption is to prioritize the consumption of fresh food products over refined ones. Finally, consuming citrus fruits and apples often is another key factor in achieving this goal.

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