Perform Abdominal Exercises Without Putting Strain On The Back

To perform the abdominals correctly, it is essential to control your breathing and protect your back. Read on for other tips!
Perform abdominal exercises without putting strain on the back

Performing abdominal exercises is a very popular practice, not only for a matter of health, but also of aesthetics. Who doesn’t like showing off a flat, firm stomach? However, not everyone knows how to perform these exercises correctly, with the risk, therefore, of overloading the back, especially the lumbar area.

The abdominals are the muscles that cover the abdominal wall. They are divided into: internal oblique, external oblique, abdominal transverse, rectus abdominis and pyramidal. They are responsible for stabilizing the body, posture, protecting internal organs, etc.

Below we explain some simple tricks to perform abdominal exercises without straining your back.

First step: check your breathing

To best train your abs, it is essential to maintain proper breathing. A common mistake is to hold your breath while exercising. However, the ideal is to inhale before the abdominal contraction and exhale during the contraction. It is also recommended to exhale releasing the air from the mouth gradually.

This is because, if you hold your breath, the pressure on the abdomen increases due to the strain of the diaphragm. Add to this the pressure exerted by the exercise itself, you even risk causing a hernia.

Perform abdominal exercises without straining the lower back

Lower back abdominal exercises
When performing abdominal exercises, it is always important to adopt a correct posture, in order to avoid discomfort in the lumbar region.

Low back pain is one of the most frequent ailments among the adult population. This is mainly due to the lifestyle we lead. A sedentary lifestyle and poor posture while working or studying are among the main triggers. However, exercising your abs incorrectly also risks aggravating the problem instead of strengthening the area.

It is therefore essential to pay special attention during the exercise. First, the best thing to do is to use a mat to protect your back from the floor. Also, if the exercise involves raising the legs, try not to lift your back off the floor. To avoid this, put your hands under your buttocks to keep your back in the correct position.

If you already suffer from a lower back problem, we recommend that you replace the classic abdominal exercises with other exercises. Plank or hypopressive exercises are great substitutes. These are static exercises that improve both lumbar and abdominal muscle tone, but without straining the vertebrae.

Perform abdominal exercises without straining the neck

In the typical abdominal exercise where you lie on your back and bring the abdomen towards the knees, a strain on the cervical vertebrae is often produced. The lifting movement of the abdomen is often done with the neck and back; and precisely this to cause damage to the cervical area.

To avoid them, it is important to concentrate and force strength only with the abs. You can also place your hands in support of the neck, but without straining it. If you already suffer from a neck problem, it is advisable to dedicate yourself to abdominal exercises that involve only the movement of the legs, and keep the head resting on the floor.

The best damage-proof abdominal exercises

The classic abdominals are those in which, lying on the back, the abdomen is raised towards the knees. However, there are many other exercises to train this area. In fact, these are certainly less harmful exercises for both the back and the neck.

An example is the plank. This exercise consists of lying on your stomach, supporting yourself with your forearms and toes. Ideally, a straight line should be formed with the body, without raising or lowering the buttocks too much. You can do several sets of 30 seconds or one minute. Furthermore, starting from the basic position, variations can be made, such as, for example, lifting first one leg and then the other, alternating them.

You can also try the side planks. To perform them, lie on one side, with one leg over the other. Supporting yourself on the forearm, lift one leg and try to create a straight line with the rest of the body. You can also place a hand pointing up. This way you will also practice the obliques.

In conclusion

To show off a beautiful abdomen and also improve stability and posture, the abdominals are undoubtedly the most suitable exercises. But keep our tips in mind. Control your breathing, focus your strength on your abdomen and protect your back. This will allow you to avoid lower back and neck problems, as well as train the area more efficiently.

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