Plums Against Bone Loss

Prunes are rich in potassium, magnesium, boron, manganese, copper and iron, as well as vitamins A and K, all essential nutrients for bone health.
Prunes against bone loss

We often hear that to preserve bone health you need to take a lot of calcium, especially by drinking milk and derivatives. But do you know the benefits of prunes?

In this article we show you an alternative view on the problem of calcium deficiency and we propose a food that will allow you to avoid bone loss: prunes .

The truth about football

When it comes to bone problems, such as osteoporosis, the benefits of calcium are usually praised. While it is true that this mineral salt is essential, there are others just as important.

This is why it is not healthy to start eating foods with added calcium, but it is better to try to follow a balanced diet and choose foods that provide the calcium and other nutrients you need. Prunes are one of them.

Cheeses and crackers

The acidification

Perhaps you have heard about the body’s alkaline or acid pH and how, in general, this is more acid than it should, due to an incorrect diet (especially due to sugar, fried foods and refined flours), bad habits (tobacco or alcohol), negative emotions, stress or pollution.

This excessive acidity causes the body to steal calcium from the bones and excrete it through the urine to try to compensate for the pH.

It is at this point that plums show their first benefit: they are highly alkalizing.

Other nutrients

In addition, prunes are also rich in potassium, magnesium, boron, manganese, copper and iron, as well as vitamins A and K, all essential nutrients for bone health.

Oddly, they do not contain calcium; various studies have shown that daily consumption of prunes can reduce the risk of suffering from bone disease.

In addition, prunes, both fresh and dried, are excellent for fighting constipation and are very nutritious, which is why it is ideal to eat them every morning when you wake up.


How to eat plums?

The healthiest way to eat them is to soak them in half a glass of water overnight. Eat them the next morning on an empty stomach, also drinking water.

The ideal amount is between 3 and 5 prunes per day.

If you don’t want to eat them alone, you can blend them with other ripe fruit or vegetable drinks. You can also include them in desserts such as sponge cake or pastries as they will give juiciness and sweetness, avoiding having to add too much sugar.

Dried plums

Supplement your diet

Finally, we offer you other foods that are equally beneficial for the bones thanks to their content of vitamins and mineral salts, in particular calcium, and much more assimilable than dairy products or products with added calcium:

  • Sesame. It contains more calcium than milk and is much more assimilable. You can take ground raw sesame, in the form of gomasio (ground and toasted with salt), first cold and raw pressed oil, in the form of tahina (sesame paste). Tahini can also be blended with water, lemon, cinnamon and honey. You will get an original and unique version.
  • Maca. It contains a lot of calcium and iron and is an excellent hormone regulator. People suffering from hypertension or overexcitation of the immune system need to be careful. We advise you to inform yourself well to know in what dose to take it.
  • Boiled carrot. It is much richer in calcium than raw.
  • Horse tail. It is very rich in silicon. You can drink two or three cups a day.
  • Sea water. It is a very balanced natural supplement that you can find in herbal medicine and health stores. We recommend that you drink a spoonful of it before each meal.

Bone smoothie with plums

Try this delicious recipe for strengthening bones:

  • Grind a tablespoon of sesame seeds with a glass of water for at least a minute with the help of a blender.
  • Filter the sesame milk and set aside the fibers, which you can use in other recipes.
  • Blend the sesame drink again with three soaked prunes.
  • Add some ground cinnamon.

Your smoothie is ready: delicious for breakfast or as a snack and ideal for surprising the whole family with a very healthy recipe.

Images courtesy of: ulterior epicure, Tony Hisgett and Hellebardius

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