Problems With Constipation? Follow These Tips For Breakfast

To avoid constipation, we must follow a diet rich in fiber and start the day with foods that help us promote bowel movement
Problems with constipation?  Follow these tips for breakfast

Everyone sooner or later, we find ourselves experiencing constipation problems. Going to the bathroom in these cases becomes hell. We feel heavy, apathetic and with little energy.

Occasional constipation is very frequent and is associated with a sedentary lifestyle, certain eating habits and even the intake of certain medications.

However, the problem is more serious when it becomes chronic. In addition, it mainly affects the female population.

In fact, studies such as those published in the Spanish journal  Revista de la Sociedad Valenciana de Patología Digestiva  reveal that a woman’s very anatomy, her hormonal changes, pregnancy or stress determine the onset of constipation.

To avoid this problem, the most important thing is to adopt some habits that favor the correct intestinal transit.

When constipation problems last for more than two to three weeks, it is necessary to consult a specialist. We at Vivere più Sani propose that you start with a few small changes at breakfast.

It is in the early hours of the day, in fact, that the body is most receptive to certain foods and remedies that will facilitate intestinal transit.

1. Olive oil and lemon for constipation problems

The first proposal is simple and cheap: a tablespoon of olive oil and lemon juice on an empty stomach.

This remedy is interesting because it acts as a powerful purifier capable of eliminating excess toxins in the body.

  • Olive oil has an ideal consistency to stimulate bowel movement and, at the same time, takes care of the colon. It hydrates us from the inside and facilitates the expulsion of feces.
  • Olive oil is also a type of monounsaturated fat.

Together with lemon, the oil is an excellent laxative that also cleans the walls of the intestine so as to facilitate the correct absorption of nutrients.

Ingredients and methods of consumption

  • Take half a tablespoon (5-7 g) of extra virgin olive oil with half a tablespoon of lemon juice (5 ml) every morning.
  • This remedy should be consumed on an empty stomach. Then you have to wait half an hour before having breakfast.
  • Never exceed the recommended doses and do not ingest more than a tablespoon of oil and lemon per day.

2. Oat flakes or wholemeal bread


We know that supermarkets offer a lot of variety when it comes to breakfast cereals. Fiber is essential to fight constipation and you have to choose the best quality.

  • Keep in mind that many commercially available grains contain too much sugar and the actual fiber content can be negligible. Read carefully what is written on the package before choosing your cereals.
  • On the other hand, the safest option is to go for natural products. Oats or rye bread are two ingredients with which to take care of your health and avoid constipation.

3. Aloe vera for constipation problems


If you have never tried this remedy, now is the time to do it.

In a condition of constipation, the feces remain for a long time in the large intestine. If several days go by without being able to go to the bathroom, you are likely to experience abdominal pain, nausea, colitis, and other symptoms.

A simple action like drinking a natural aloe vera drink can really work wonders. Make a note of how to prepare this simple remedy.


  • 1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel (15 g)
  • The juice of 2 oranges


The first thing to do is to squeeze the two oranges to get the juice. Once ready, add the aloe vera gel and mix well.

If you prefer, instead of oranges you can opt for lemon juice, pear or warm water.

If you have kidney problems, diabetes, are pregnant or have thyroid problems, then avoid the consumption of aloe vera.

4. Kefir: a digestive probiotic even for those who are intolerant

Kefir is a food worth including for breakfast. It is easy to digest and does not cause problems for those who are lactose intolerant.

  • Kefir bacteria and yeasts form an enzyme known as lactase that absorbs lactose. Plus, as if that weren’t enough, kefir is high in protein.
  • If you combine a little kefir with natural fruits, you will get a very suitable breakfast to combat constipation.

5. The best fruits for constipation problems


Natural and fresh fruits are always the best allies to fight constipation. to get a good amount of fiber, there is nothing better than a fruit salad.

Below, we indicate which fruits are most suitable for improving intestinal transit:

  • Papaya
  • Pears
  • Strawberries
  • Plums
  • Pineapple
  • Kiwi
  • Grapes (with peel and seeds)
  • Figs

In conclusion, do not hesitate to start the day by following our advice. Also remember to drink plenty of water throughout the day and to ensure your body has the right amount of fiber with the other meals of the day.

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