Protecting Liver Health: 5 Tips

Adopting healthy habits, especially at the table, is crucial for liver health. Here are 5 rules to follow. 
Protecting liver health: 5 tips

Protecting the health of the liver is essential given the vast number of functions this organ performs for our body.

There are many factors that can damage it: additives in foods, unhealthy habits, pollution, stress and much more. In this article, we would like to give you some tips aimed at preserving liver health. Take note!

Why is it important to protect liver health?

The liver is involved in over 500 vital functions. Some are:

  • It intervenes in the metabolism of macronutrients (carbohydrates, lipids and proteins).
  • Regulates blood clotting.
  • Promotes the immune response.
  • It oversees the release of certain hormones.
  • Stores glucose.
  • Filters the toxic substances present in the body.

Unfortunately, numerous agents can impair liver function, including hereditary factors and viral infections. Protecting liver health means preventing many diseases.

5 tips to protect liver health

1. Organic food and without additives

Fruits and vegetables to protect liver health.
Consuming organic food is important if we want to protect liver health. Thanks to a high content of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, organic foods help the liver to perform its functions optimally.

Food additives are not always harmless. Substances with preservative, fungicidal, coloring, sweetener and other properties can damage our DNA and various organs. Among these, the liver is especially sensitive, which has the task of eliminating toxic substances in the circulation.

Along the same lines, we point out the importance of avoiding foods treated with pesticides. The only way to do this is to buy organic food from trusted sellers or grown in our garden.

A diet rich in plant and organic foods helps detoxify the liver. Make sure that raw fruits and vegetables, citrus fruits, dried fruit and vegetable oils are always on the table.

2. Reduce your sugar consumption

Obesity and diabetes are two diseases that have significantly increased in recent decades. Although excessive nutrition and a sedentary lifestyle play an important role in this sense, the consumption of sugar is also a decisive factor.

Sugar and all products that contain it (such as drinks) directly affect the accumulation of liver fat. Over time, this can lead to various diseases such as fatty liver.

It is therefore essential to reduce the consumption of sugar. We can replace it with other sweeteners such as stevia, coconut sugar, xylitol, panela or organic honey.

3. The benefits of milk thistle

Milk thistle seeds contain silymarin, a very beneficial substance for the liver. Studies show its effectiveness in treating various liver diseases: cirrhosis, fatty liver, insulin resistance, etc.

Silymarin stands out for its high antioxidant and anti-inflammatory power. Unlike other remedies, it also promotes liver regeneration. Milk thistle treatment can be effective in cases of cirrhosis and also to prevent metastases in the case of cancer.

4. Control anger to protect liver health

Happy woman with closed eyes.
Learning to control emotions as anger protects liver health. Emotions can affect our well-being more than we think.

According to traditional Chinese medicine, all organs are related to our emotions. This connection between body and mind gives us a different perspective in any therapy.

In this case, the emotion that acts the most in the liver is anger. Keeping it under control (along with other good habits) could help prevent liver imbalances.

Although there are no scientific studies that can prove this relationship, psychosomatics shows that emotions can affect the state of health. We should try to prioritize positive emotions, day in and day out. On the other hand, isn’t it better to live with joy and serenity?

5. A healthy lifestyle

To conclude, and by way of summary, a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are the best tools to protect liver health. This means avoiding smoking and alcohol, getting a good night’s sleep, drinking enough water and living happily.

Following these tips is certainly not easy, as they require major changes in our life. By protecting the liver, however, we will also enjoy a better life, so it will definitely be worth it.

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