Reduce Waist Size At Breakfast, Here Are 3 Tips

Reduce the waistline at breakfast, here are 3 tips

Is it possible to reduce the waistline at breakfast? Certainly, and to do so it is necessary to follow adequate eating habits, along with a healthy lifestyle. Reducing belly fat is possible, so start with one of these three delicious breakfasts today.

The basic rules for reducing the waistline at breakfast


One of the most critical areas of our body is undoubtedly the abdomen. Sometimes it swells and creates problems when we want to wear tight clothes. But can it be corrected? Of course yes!

Exercise always helps, no doubt, but it is also essential to take care of our nutrition, nourish ourselves well, get the necessary vitamins and minerals and avoid harmful fats.

To do this, you have to follow the following steps.

Never, ever, ever skip breakfast

Many people think that to lose weight and reduce the accumulated fat in the abdomen, skipping breakfast is a good idea. Very wrong! You think that in this way you are making a serious mistake that could affect your health.

In fact, you will leave the house without nutrients, you will run the risk of suffering from dizziness and will certainly cause you a severe headache. You won’t have the energy to start the day. What’s more, the only thing you’ll get is slowing down your metabolism, so instead of burning fat you will accumulate it. A very big mistake.

The fundamentals to reduce the waistline at breakfast

Fat-burning breakfasts should include cleansing juice, fruit, protein, and whole grains. What we want is to activate our metabolism, force it to work using the most suitable ingredients. If we do, we will feel full and avoid eating between meals.

Expert advice

Nutritionists recommend having 350 calories for breakfast, which is not bad. But beware, one thing must be taken into consideration: do not have breakfast as soon as you wake up.

First drink your cleansing juice, and then wait between 30 and 40 minutes before having breakfast. Use this time to shower or get ready to go out. We know this means you’ll have to get up a little earlier, but it’s worth it!

3 breakfasts to reduce the abdomen

Breakfast 1

  • A glass of warm water with lemon juice as soon as you get up
  • 40 minutes later, a green apple
  • A cup of oats with some grapes
  • Green tea

As you know, the ideal is to start the day with that glass of lukewarm water and lemon . It cleanses the body and provides you with a good amount of antioxidants. Next, eat a healthy green apple, the components of which allow us to reduce blood sugar and burn fat. Excellent for reducing the waistline at breakfast.

Oats and green tea are perfect to include in any type of weight loss diet.

Breakfast 2

cayenne tea
  • An infusion of cayenne pepper with honey
  • 40 minutes later, a small wholemeal sandwich with a thinly sliced ​​hard-boiled egg, cooked ham and two pieces of avocado
  • Grapefruit juice

You may be surprised that the tea must be cayenne pepper. But an infusion of cayenne and honey  is the best way to speed up our metabolism and force it to activate to burn fat. Really effective and recommended for reducing the waistline at breakfast!

Including a sandwich of wholemeal bread brings us those cereals that must always be present in our weight loss diets; if we also add the egg, it will really be a complete breakfast. In this way we will get proteins and a great feeling of satiety.

In fact, a study published in Nutrition Research has shown that people who eat eggs for breakfast are less likely to nibble between meals, and can safely follow a weight loss diet. Finishing with a grapefruit juice is another great idea, as it provides us with vitamins and helps us burn fat.

Breakfast 3

strawberries reduce the waistline at breakfast
  • Purifying drink with strawberry juice
  • 40 minutes later, a Greek yogurt with oatmeal
  • A wholemeal rusk of oats with a few drops of olive oil

Did you know that strawberry water  is excellent for losing weight? This natural treasure trove of antioxidants acts as a powerful purifier, a perfect medicinal drink to eliminate whatever is left over.

What you need to do to reduce the waistline for breakfast is to take 5 strawberries, blend them and add a glass of water. You can also prepare a decoction, always with a glass of water and on the fire. Don’t add sugar; the ideal is to drink this lukewarm drink.

After about half an hour, take the Greek yogurt: it may surprise you, but it is ideal for losing weight. It is rich in probiotics, gives us a feeling of greater satiety, has fewer calories and less lactose than regular yogurt. It is worth it.

And if you finally take that toast with a few drops of olive oil, your breakfast will be perfect. You will get nutrients, you will have purified your body and activated the metabolism to start burning fat in the abdomen.

In summary, never skip breakfast: start with a purifying drink, even just a cup of water with aloe vera gel can be great. Also, don’t forget to include some fruit, some fiber and some protein. The result will be excellent!

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