Regulate The Thyroid By Means Of Certain Foods

Regulate the thyroid by means of certain foods

Is it possible to regulate thyroid function by means of certain foods? In this article we are talking about a gland located in the neck called the thyroid. The thyroid is responsible for regulating various functions in the body.

In addition to participating in the production of the hormone thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3), which regulate metabolism and affect the functioning of other systems in our body. When the thyroid is functioning optimally, there is no need to think about a specific diet.

However, there are times when this gland can suffer some problems and produce more hormones (hyperthyroidism) or less hormones (hypothyroidism) than the body needs.

First of all, it should be noted that iodine, or rather, iodine deficiency, is one of the direct causes of thyroid gland disorders and that many struggles are underway in the world to eliminate the deficiency of this mineral in the diet.

When these imbalances occur, it is necessary to follow a diet that compensates for the needs of the body. Below we offer you a series of tips for both cases.

Diet to regulate the thyroid gland in case of hyperthyroidism

As we have just explained to you, hyperthyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland is highly stimulated and produces more thyroid hormones than our body would need.

This excess can cause a state of catabolism in the body and, consequently, loss of weight and muscle mass. In this case we recommend that you follow a very balanced diet with a high energy content at the same time.

Case of hyperthyroidism

Dairy products (yogurt, cheese and milk)

  • Use milk or liquid yogurt as a soft drink, even in cooked dishes if possible.
  • Enrich the yogurt with condensed milk and the milk with whole milk powder; you can use this milk to make smoothies, desserts, soups, purées or drink it with cereals.
  • Add pieces of cheese to salads.

Proteins (fish, meat and eggs)

  • Chop some hard-boiled egg and add it to salads, soups or vegetables. Do the same with meat and fish.
  • Use beaten egg to enrich mashed potatoes, soups, creams, sauces or milk shakes.
  • Stuff omelettes or other foods with minced meat or chopped fish.

Sugar, bread, honey and biscuits

  • Eat biscuits and bread for breakfast; it is advisable to consume them also during snacks or snacks.
  • Add croutons to soups and soups.

Dried fruit

  • Chop it up and add it to sauces, stews or some salads.

Diet to regulate the thyroid gland in case of hypothyroidism

And now let’s see the other side of the coin: we’re talking about hypothyroidism, which occurs when there is a decrease in thyroid hormones by the thyroid gland.

Hypothyroidism in many cases has a symptomatic picture characterized by fatigue, tiredness, hair loss and sleepiness; furthermore, even if there is no direct relationship, weight gain tends to occur .

These cases are a bit more complex and must be monitored by the endocrinologist; however, the diet can help you and must be balanced and varied.

When we talk about a varied diet, we are referring to the fact that every day you have to eat foods that belong to all groups: dairy products, raw and cooked vegetables, fruits, protein foods, cereals and starch.

Avoid foods rich in fat, sugar and calories

  • Sausages and very fatty meats.
  • Margarine, butter and lard.
  • Sugar, both white and cane, caramel and derivatives.
  • Alcoholic or highly sugary drinks.


  • Have 4 to 5 meals a day, not very abundant, and avoid in all ways to eat between meals; also avoid skipping one of the main meals.
  • Increase your daily physical activity. Walk, avoid the elevators and escalators. Take long distances on foot.
  • Boost your intake of fiber-rich foods, such as lean meat, semi-skimmed milk, raw and cooked vegetables, and fruit, among others.

General thyroid care

Some foods help the thyroid gland in a general way : these include cold water fish including salmon, tuna, mackerel and cod.

Brightly colored vegetables and fruits can also stimulate the thyroid and take some pressure off. We recommend that you season foods with powdered seaweed instead of using salt.

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