Regulating Frizzy And Rebellious Hair With Natural Methods

Chemical products and hot tools, such as straighteners and hairdryers, damage the hair and make it difficult to comb, but with these natural remedies, we can regulate our hair without problems
Regulate frizzy and rebellious hair with natural methods

If you use the straightener too much or have abused permanent colors, chances are you need help taming your hair. In fact, when they are withered and rebellious, it is really difficult to tame them.

However, with the remedies we propose, it will no longer be so difficult and even expensive. In fact, they are all natural remedies, which will be good for your hair and your wallet!

Why does hair become frizzy?

Hair becomes frizzy due to a lack of moisture and natural oils. When the cuticle lining dries up, the hair is more porous and absorbs moisture from the air, as a result it swells.

Because of this, people who live in places with a humid climate are more likely to suffer from this problem. However, there are excellent home remedies that will help you discipline even the most unruly hair.

Here are eight tricks to tame your hair and get your dream hair back!

Natural remedies to discipline the hair

Apple cider vinegar

Perfect hair

The vinegar softens and detangles the hair cuticles. Apply it to freshly washed hair and comb it with a broad bristle brush. After that, use your usual conditioner. Finally, rinse with cold water to close the cuticles and regulate the hair.

Olive oil and egg

Mix ¼ glass of olive oil with a whole egg in a bowl. Apply to hair, leave for 30 minutes and wash off with moisturizing shampoo. Next, use your usual conditioner.

Olive oil is an excellent emollient, while egg contains L-cystine, an amino acid that helps repair tissues. With these ingredients, taming your hair will be a breeze!


This rinse should be done after shampooing. You just have to mix a tablespoon of pure honey in a liter of water. Pour it on already washed hair, when it is still damp. Use your usual conditioner. Honey is a natural moisturizer par excellence, which attracts and retains the water molecules that moisturize the hair.

Honey remedy


Put a tablespoon of chamomile flowers in two cups of boiling water and leave to rest for an hour. Add ¼ tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. Wash your hair with shampoo and then apply the infusion (which must have already cooled or warmed). Use your usual conditioner.


This mask, to be used once a week, nourishes the hair and scalp. In addition, its proteins will make your hair healthier.

To prepare it, mix ¼ glass of mayonnaise with an egg. Apply to the hair, leave it on for half an hour, covering it with a towel. Remove with shampoo and hot water, then use the conditioner and finish with cold water.

Avocado and banana

Mash a banana and the pulp of an avocado. Mix well and apply to the hair. Banana is rich in antioxidants and minerals that help regulate hair. Furthermore, it nourishes them thanks to its high content of fatty acids.

Aloe vera and coconut

Clean two aloe vera leaves and open them to extract the pulp. Put them in a container. Mix them with 3 tablespoons of coconut oil (you can also use olive oil). Apply to the hair and leave for 30 minutes, putting on a shower cap or film. Wash with plenty of water and then use your usual products.


Banana, almond oil and honey

Mash two ripe bananas and add a tablespoon of honey and 5 drops of almond oil. When you have obtained a homogeneous mixture, apply to damp hair, cover it with a shower cap and let it act for 30 minutes. Rinse well and wash as usual.

Tips for disciplining your hair

Damp hair
  • To comb your hair, always choose a brush with natural bristles and wide teeth. In fact, the plastic ones electrify the hair even more.
  • After washing your hair, pat it gently to avoid breaking the cuticles. Then, comb them to the left, wait a few minutes and repeat in the opposite direction. Then comb normally.
  • Avoid excess straightener and hairdryer, because high temperatures burn and age the hair fibers. Rather, collect them in a ponytail and untie them only when they are dry.
  • Touch the hair as little as possible and comb it only when it is damp.

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