Relaxing Smoothie With Pineapple, Mint, Apple And Lemon

Apple and pineapple are fruits with relaxing properties, so effective and much healthier than drugs, which should be included in our diets every day.
Relaxing smoothie with pineapple, mint, apple and lemon

Here is the recipe for a relaxing smoothie made with pineapple, mint, apple and lemon. Discover all the benefits it can offer your body. Today, most people lead a hectic lifestyle, full of commitments and with little time to guarantee the body certain attention.

The problem is that at any moment the body pays the consequences, suffering from a series of physical and mental illnesses that could compromise the quality of life.

To combat this type of problem and avoid the development of various diseases, the consumption of many natural smoothies with high quality nutritional properties has been promoted for some time.

On this particular occasion, we want to share a relaxing smoothie with pineapple, mint, apple and lemon whose components help regenerate the body after a stressful day. Discover all the benefits of this smoothie and how to prepare it!

Benefits of the relaxing pineapple, mint, apple and lemon smoothie

relaxing smoothie of pineapple, mind, apple and lemon

The main goal of this natural drink is to help  relax the body to fight ailments such as stress, anxiety and tension. Thanks to the nutritional qualities of each of its ingredients, drinking it helps detoxify the body, stimulating the elimination of toxins and excess fluids.

  • One of the main active ingredients it contains is bromelain, an enzyme contained in pineapple useful for improving digestion, reducing inflammation and relaxing tissues.

It also contains a significant amount of fiber, antioxidants and vitamins that help prevent constipation, promote the elimination of fat from the body and improve heart health.

  • The sweet mint scent works as a muscle relaxant, ideal for reducing tension and controlling blood pressure.
  • Apple contains pectin, a type of fiber necessary for digestion and the proper functioning of cardiovascular health.
  • In addition, lemon is a powerful detoxifier that helps eliminate waste by strengthening the immune system and promoting good sleep quality.
  • Another benefit that cannot be overlooked is that it also fights headaches by  relaxing the entire nervous system which, when altered, gives rise to these pains.

In general, this smoothie is great for workers, people who exercise, or those who are subjected to constant stress and anxiety.

How to make the relaxing pineapple, mint, apple and lemon smoothie

Relaxing smoothie healthy and easy to prepare

This smoothie is very easy to make and is a healthy alternative to commercially available soft drinks, full of sugars and preservatives. The ingredients used are very easily found in supermarkets and almost always at reasonable prices.

You can enjoy its benefits and flavor at any time or to relax just back home after a hard day.


  • 1 green apple
  • 2 lemons
  • 2 slices of pineapple
  • 6 fresh mint leaves
  • 2 ice cubes
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)


  • To start, you need to carefully wash the green apple (with the peel) and the six mint leaves.
  • Then, cut the apple into pieces and cut the pineapple slices into cubes.
  • Squeeze the lemons to get the juice and pour it into the blender with the rest of the ingredients.
  • Blend everything for a couple of minutes until you get a smooth smoothie without lumps.
  • The peel of the apple will give it a fibrous touch and there will be no need to strain it, as it is healthy.
  • Serve it cold adding ice.

Mode of consumption

  • Drink a glass of juice whenever you feel the need to fight fatigue and relax your body.
  • It can also be used in times when anxiety leads you to eat and ingest calories.

Despite everything, if the goal is to enjoy its detoxifying and diuretic properties, it is best to drink it early in the morning, just half an hour before breakfast. In any case, it is recommended to drink it at least three times a week.

Aspects not to be overlooked

it is important to keep anxiety and stress away

While it is good and rich in nutrients, this drink will not by itself improve all the problems generated in the body by anxiety and stress. For this reason, it is important to integrate the practice of relaxation techniques and other good habits that generally improve the quality of life.

The best thing about incorporating this smoothie into your daily diet is that it promotes weight loss thanks to its satiating and digestive power.

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