Remedies For Fatty Liver: 6 Natural Treatments

In addition to including these treatments in our daily routine, it is essential to adopt a healthy diet and exercise regularly, in order to avoid the accumulation of fat.
Remedies for fatty liver: 6 natural treatments

Fatty liver, or hepatic steatosis, is a very common ailment nowadays, the product of a high-fat diet and a sedentary lifestyle. However, with adequate nutrition, the disorder can be treated naturally. As a complement, there are some remedies for fatty liver based on simple ingredients.

This problem is a major concern among adult patients, but most of them are unaware of it due to the absence of specific symptoms. Some studies, like this one published by the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Buenos Aires (Argentina), investigate the incidence of this disease.

Fortunately, in many cases it does not present itself in severe form and  its impact is almost always reversible  through the adoption of some healthy habits.

Today we are going to look at some of the remedies for fatty liver based on natural ingredients. However, do not forget that if you have any symptoms, it is essential to seek medical attention.

What is fatty liver?

This is a problem that occurs when  fat represents between 5% and 10% of the total weight of the liver.

Most of the diagnoses of fatty liver involve people with diabetes or an average age of 45-50 years; although it can also occur in young subjects. Furthermore, a research conducted by the University Hospital of Valme (Spain), states that there is a relationship between the appearance of fatty liver and subclinical arteriosclerosis. Depending on the cause, fatty liver is classified into two types and the treatment depends on them.


1. Fatty liver from alcohol

It is caused by excessive alcohol consumption, which damages the liver making it unable to break down fat, which accumulates in it.

The good news is that it is reversible in a maximum period of 6 weeks, but only if the person gives up the habit of drinking alcohol forever ; otherwise, the disorder can progress to turn into cirrhosis; as this research from the Princesa Research Institute (Spain) states.

2. Non-alcoholic fatty liver

In this case, the main cause is obesity, a condition that, according to this study by the General Hospital of Mostoles (Spain), develops as a result of poor nutrition and lack of physical activity. Therefore, a drastic change in habits could contribute to the cure of fatty liver.

Likewise, it can originate from type 2 diabetes, a high level of cholesterol and triglycerides, and metabolic syndrome.

Do natural remedies for fatty liver work?

Alternative medicinal treatments are an excellent option when it comes to treating this condition and preventing chronic diseases.

On this occasion we  share with you some 100% natural remedies  that can help fight this condition and prevent its development, which could lead to harmful consequences.

1. Artichoke

This vegetable is low in calories and has a diuretic action that favors the elimination of retained liquids, in order to improve the functioning of the organism in general.

Remedies for fatty liver: artichokes

It keeps high cholesterol and blood sugar levels under control, an element that represents one of its main benefits in the fight against fatty liver, as it helps reduce fat absorption According to this study by the Cairo University, it is a recommended for the treatment of obesity.

The best way to take the artichoke is in the form of an infusion or in light preparations such as baked or steamed. It is recommended to eat it  at least 2 times a week.

2. Grapefruit

This popular citrus fruit is not only great for losing weight and preventing diabetes, it also reduces fatty liver disease. The low glucose levels make it the ideal remedy for treating diabetes problems, according to this research.

A compound present in grapefruit, known as  naringenin, may be responsible for greater oxidation of the fatty components. A 100% natural grapefruit juice is the best way to enjoy all the properties of this food.

3. Radishes

Low in calories, radishes have an anti-inflammatory and purifying action  that helps improve the state of the fatty liver. As the research of the Jordanian University of Science and Technology states.

Its frequent consumption helps to cure fatty liver and reduce body fat and prevents it from continuing to accumulate in this important organ. Radishes can be eaten raw in salads and smoothies


4. Beetroot

This vegetable has a powerful purifying action that facilitates the elimination of fat and other waste substances  that accumulate when the liver is not working in optimal conditions. So states this research from the University of Benin

Eating raw beetroot in smoothies or natural juices is the best alternative to make the most of its properties; however, it can also be boiled with a little water and make salads or other recipes.

5. Dandelion

According to this study by the University of Aarhus in Denmark, the dandelion tea has earned a high place in the catalog of remedies for fatty liver, to cleanse the body and improve liver function.

Its nutritional properties help to purify the liver and eliminate waste substances, and also accelerate the metabolism in order to burn more fat. An infusion of dandelion 3 times a day is enough to get this benefit

6. Milk thistle

According to this study by the University of Concepcion in Chile, milk thistle is one of the most popular plants among the remedies for fatty liver. Its extract contains a compound known as silymarin, a medicinal active that protects the liver from free radicals.

In herbal medicine they sell this product in capsules or natural extracts. Whichever you choose,  make sure it has at least 80% silymarin.

Now that you know how to treat fatty liver, we hope that you are involved in making changes in your diet without too much effort to enjoy the associated benefits.

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