Remedies To Accelerate Hair Growth

Do you want to accelerate hair growth? Then don’t miss out on these helpful herbal remedies.
Remedies to accelerate hair growth

Many people would like to know the remedies to accelerate hair growth which, as known, can be faster or slower depending on the health of the hair.

If our hair tends to break or is curly, we will notice significantly slower growth. At the same time, a variety of issues that can cause a slowdown must always be taken into account.

Scalp problems, such as seborrheic dermatitis or psoriasis can cause excessive hair loss. This undoubtedly affects their growth. Below, we see some options that help accelerate hair growth, as well as replenish it and take care of our scalp.

Remedies to accelerate hair growth

Aloe vera to accelerate hair growth

Aloe vera gel
Aloe vera gel requires daily application for its benefits to be noticed on the scalp.

L ‘ Aloe barbadensis miller is better known as Aloe vera, a plant that you probably have at home and that we can use to speed up hair growth. However, for it to have this effect, we need to apply this herbal remedy every day.

This option is particularly recommended for people suffering from alopecia areata, with hair loss in a particular area and resulting characteristic holes in the absence of symptoms. However, this remedy will also have its effects in the case of other types of alopecia.

Application procedure

  • Take an Aloe vera leaf and cut it in half.
  • Apply it directly to the scalp.
  • You can also remove the gel with a spoon and pour it into a container and then apply it later.
  • Perform a gentle massage and let it act for at least 20 minutes.

Rosemary against hair loss

Infusion of rosemary
Rosemary infusion can be applied in different ways: in addition to shampoo, with the use of a nebulizer or as a lotion.

Another way to accelerate hair growth is to prevent hair loss. Nonetheless, it is necessary to understand if the underlying problem is stress, anxiety or other, if we want this remedy to take effect. With this option, we can reduce the hair loss that will start to grow more.

Application procedure

  • Added to the shampoo: make an infusion of rosemary and add a cup of it to your usual shampoo. It will start to act day after day, as well as allowing us to show off a more silky and full of life hair.
  • Sprayed on the scalp: We pour the rosemary infusion into a nebulizer and spray on the scalp before washing the hair. We leave it on for a few minutes before removing the residue in the shower.
  • Hair lotion: you can apply the infusion directly on the scalp, performing a gentle massage to stimulate hair growth. You can proceed after a shower and after drying your hair as usual.

Thyme among the remedies to accelerate hair growth

Thyme to stimulate hair growth
Thyme is a powerful antifungal that maintains the balance of the scalp.

Thyme has some properties that promote the healing of the scalp, in case we suffer from a growth and fall disorder. This is due to its antifungal properties. But how can we use this tea to stimulate hair growth?

We can perform the same application described for the rosemary infusion. This herbal remedy not only prevents hair loss but also improves alopecia by stimulating blood circulation in the scalp. In addition, it strengthens the hair, preventing it from falling out too often.

Other factors …

These herbal remedies are useful when we suffer from excessive hair loss or during periods of the year when the fall is accentuated, such as in the fall. Still, don’t be alarmed because you always lose strands of hair. In fact, they regenerate and it is normal to lose up to 150 per day.

If we allow several days to pass before the next wash, it is normal that more will fall out when we wash them. This is especially true for women with curly hair. The fallen hair remains stuck in the hair until the next wash or until the hair is combed.

We invite you to try these remedies to accelerate hair growth and thus show off a healthy hair. However, if you suffer from alopecia or any scalp disorder, do not hesitate to contact the specialist. Talk to your natural herbal treatment specialist to make sure it doesn’t interfere with your treatment plan.

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