Replace The Salt With 8 Spices

Since the foods we usually consume already contain enough salt, to avoid adding more, we can resort to the use of some spices which, moreover, also bring numerous benefits. 
Replace the salt with 8 spices

Since excessive salt consumption can have a negative effect on health, many people are already choosing to replace salt with spices. And you, do you already know which ones? If not, read on to find out more.

Salt is one of the ingredients we use most often in our recipes, as it is ideal for enhancing the flavor of food.

In fact, sodium, in minimal quantities, helps the body to balance electrolyte levels and promotes other processes that are important for health.

The problem is that we often consume excessive quantities of it and, underestimating its negative effects, we add it to almost all of our dishes.

While this may seem harmless, it causes inflammatory, cardiovascular and kidney problems over time. This is why it is essential to limit their daily consumption.

Therefore, we can reduce the consumption of foods that contain it and use spices instead. In the next few lines we will recommend 8 spices to replace the salt with .

Replace the salt with 8 spices

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), it is essential to limit your daily salt intake to avoid developing health problems.

We can start by reducing the consumption of foods that contain it and replace it with spices in food preparation. Below, we propose some of the most recommended options.

1. Garlic

Replace the salt with garlic

Garlic is a food used to flavor various dishes. It has a very particular taste that does not go unnoticed, able to enhance the other flavors and that goes perfectly with different ingredients. It is no coincidence that it is the main condiment of the Mediterranean diet.

Its delicious flavor is perfect for enhancing foods such as:

  • Red and white meats.
  • Fish and seafood.
  • Stews and soups.

2. Replace the salt with the onion

Like garlic, onion (natural or powdered) is also an excellent substitute for salt. It allows us to prepare really tasty recipes and, in addition, it contains proteins, potassium, vitamin C, flavonoids and various sulfur compounds.

We can use the onion for:

  • Risotto.
  • Omelettes.
  • Salads.
  • Croquettes.
  • Soups and stews.
  • Meat and fish.
  • Sauteed vegetables.

3. Black pepper

Black pepper in powder and grains

Although it is often used in conjunction with salt, in reality it can also be a worthy substitute. Therefore, we can add some black pepper to our recipes if we want to avoid adding salt.

In addition, pepper contains some proteins, as well as calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, riboflavin, vitamins B6 and C and piperine.

Specifically, black pepper is the spiciest of all varieties, as to obtain it, the fruit is harvested when it is not yet ripe (yellow), and then dried in the sun for a week, or on the fire, which gives it the dark and wrinkled appearance

Its delicious flavor goes well with foods such as: meat, fish, stews, sauces, condiments and all kinds of recipes.

4. Oregano

Known for its medicinal properties, oregano is a delicious food that can replace salt in various preparations.

Oregano has been attributed antiseptic, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties. For this reason, it is thought that its consumption can contribute to the health of the whole organism.

5. Replace the salt with cumin

Cumin seeds
Cumin has carminative properties that help treat flatulence.

A little cumin in the dishes is suitable for those who want to limit the consumption of refined salt and at the same time add flavor. In fact, this ingredient is believed to contain health-promoting antioxidants. At the same time, it has carminative properties that help relieve digestive problems and flatulence.

You can add this spice to dishes such as:

  • Risotto.
  • Legumes.
  • Soups and stews.
  • Meat and fish.

6. Anise

Anise has a particular flavor, ideal for preparing meat and vegetable recipes. The multiple nutritional properties of this ingredient also improve food digestion.

There are those who consume it in the form of an infusion, both to prevent and to relieve stomach ailments linked to the accumulation of gas and poor digestion.

7. Ginger

Replace the salt with ginger
Scientific evidence has shown that ginger, in small doses, can help reduce some pregnancy-related annoyances. Plus, it’s an excellent resource for coughs and colds.

Mostly known for its anti-inflammatory, digestive and antioxidant properties, ginger is another interesting proposition to reduce salt intake.

It contains high concentrations of a substance called gingerol which, in addition to its particular spicy flavor, gives it its main medicinal benefits.

You can add it, for example, to:

  • Salads.
  • Stews and soups.
  • Bread and biscuits.
  • Fruit and vegetable smoothies.

8. Replace the salt with turmeric

Turmeric is a widely used spice in cooking, not only for its particular flavor, but also for the orange color it gives to dishes. In addition to its antioxidant and curcumin content. It is also a great option for flavoring foods without adding salt.

In addition, its anti-inflammatory, digestive and antibacterial properties improve health and protect cells from various disease-causing agents.

Use turmeric to substitute for salt in dishes such as:

  • Risotto.
  • Legumes.
  • Soups and stews.
  • Sauces and toppings.
  • Vegetable salads.

Are you ready to replace salt with spices?

Do you prepare all your dishes with salt? Why not change? You can choose the spices mentioned to replace it, discovering how to give interesting flavors to your recipes without harming your health.

While we can’t completely eliminate this ingredient from our diet, we can always minimize it to prevent its negative effects.

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