Strengthen Your Muscles With The “secret ” Substance Of Watermelon

Thanks to its supply of amino acids, especially L-arginine, watermelon is perfect not only for those who practice sports, but also for those who want to avoid fatigue and have more energy.

When we think of watermelon, a pleasant sensation of freshness and pleasure emerges in our mind. It is considered the fruit of summer, but also that tasty ingredient that goes perfectly with juices and salads. Besides that, it has a so-called secret substance capable of strengthening muscles.

You may have often heard that watermelon is “all water” and that its nutritional values ​​are minimal, not to mention non-existent.

At this point, you will be pleased to know, for example, that regardless of the high water content (around 92%),  each bite of watermelon contains significant levels of vitamins A, B6 and C, as  well as a huge amount of amino acids and antioxidants. Plus, it’s low in sodium and its fat levels are minimal.

What more can we ask for? In reality, we can ask for something more: that it gives energy to  strengthen the muscles , especially when tired.

The secret substance of watermelon with which to strengthen the muscles

L-citrulline: the amino acid in watermelon that gives energy  

Don’t be surprised if you’ve never heard of L-citrulline. In fact, it is best known in sports because it is a non-essential amino acid thanks to which athletes improve their performance.

The term “non-essential amino acid” may have caught your attention. What is it about exactly?

  • Non-essential amino acids are all those that the body can synthesize and which, in turn, do not need to be consumed every day.

Let’s see what benefits this interesting secret substance present in watermelon can bring to our body.

L-citrulline: a very healthy amino acid, useful for strengthening muscles

We also find L-citrulline in chickpeas, meat, garlic, dried fruit and chocolate.

  • From what you can guess, these are very “energetic” foods that improve our performance and bring enormous benefits to the health of the body. 
  • You will be pleased to know that when combined with the amino acids citrulline and arginine, the body can produce a very beneficial gas called nitric oxide. Do you know what this gas can do?  Reduce blood pressure and cholesterol.

It gives energy

L-citrulin also has other sensational properties: it reduces lactic acid and ammonia in muscle tissues.

  • This action instantly promotes muscle recovery; you will notice less tension, less cramps and less tiredness.
  • You will regain your energy and, almost immediately, you will improve your physical performance.

It produces adequate metabolic changes

There are many sportsmen who opt for L-citrulline-based supplements.

  • Thanks to this amino acid,  metabolic reactions are produced capable of synthesizing aerobic energy  and thus being able to delay the sensation of fatigue.
  • It is clear that non-athletes should only take this amino acid from time to time.

The easiest way would be through watermelon and in combination with the remaining vitamins and minerals.

Prevents the accumulation of waste substances

Eating watermelon not only promotes the recovery of strength and endurance of the muscles, or the reduction of fatigue.

Another interesting fact about L-citrulline  is that it avoids the accumulation of waste substances in the body .

The latter can manifest themselves, for example, with the appearance of pains, cramps or with the classic water retention.

Improve erectile dysfunction

Another important fact:  thanks to its enormous supply of L-citrulline, watermelon is an excellent food in case of mild erectile dysfunction. 

  • Its properties promote vasodilation and endothelial function through nitric oxide.
  • Since it improves blood circulation, it could also mediate in the case of mild erectile dysfunction.

All this reminds us once again that, before resorting to drugs, it will always be better to start improving our lifestyle and eating habits.

If the problem persists, of course, we advise you to consult your doctor. 

Watermelon Helps Strengthen Muscles: Conclusions

Finally, from what we have been able to read, watermelon is much more than just the refreshing fruit of summer.

We are faced with a fruit with medicinal, healthy and energetic properties, ideal for strengthening the muscles. Combine it with other foods and make the most of its qualities.

It is worth it and will promote your well-being! 

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