Swollen Eyelids: Fight Them Like This

In addition to treating kidney and liver health, to treat swollen eyelids you can act locally, with simple but effective ingredients, such as cucumber and potato.
Swollen eyelids: fight them like this

Swollen eyelids are not just a cosmetic problem, but a reflection of an overload of the kidneys and liver. You may find them swollen when you wake up, but for some people this is a common problem, which makes them look tired and sickly. 

Here are some natural remedies that will help you solve the problem of swollen eyelids, accompanied by some advice to rebalance the kidney and liver function.

Overloaded kidneys

Among the main causes of an overload of the kidneys we find an incorrect diet, rich in fats and fried foods. In this way, the body cannot eliminate the excess fluids present. The result is water retention in different parts of the body, such as the legs, face or eyelids.

When you happen to wake up with swollen eyelids, we recommend that you consume only onion broth throughout the day, until the body has eliminated the excess fluids.

To prepare it, boil two onions in one and a half liters of water for thirty minutes, then let them rest for another 10 minutes. We advise you to avoid resorting to salt or to add very little. To increase the action of the broth, you can finally add celery.

An alternative is the horsetail tea, which has a strong diuretic action.

Read also: Horsetail: slimming and remineralizing plant

Onion soup

Overloaded liver

In some cases it is the liver that is overloaded. Since the organs are connected to each other, this implies more work on the part of the kidneys. Once again the consequence is swelling, even of the eyelids.
For this reason, it can be a good habit to spend a full day on liver cleansing.

We suggest an ideal menu for a day of liver cleansing, which you can do once a week, a month or when you feel the need:

  • On an empty stomach: a glass of warm water, the juice of half a lemon and a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil.
  • Breakfast: fruit smoothie with a vegetable drink, dried fruit, brewer’s yeast.
  • Mid-morning: milk thistle and dandelion infusion; if you want to sweeten it, use stevia.
  • Lunch: green salad with avocado, brown rice, lentils.
  • In the afternoon: milk thistle and dandelion infusion, a baked apple with honey and cinnamon.
  • Dinner: vegetable soup with oats and bread.

It is important to eat early in the evening, as eating late contributes to overloading the liver.

Mixed salad

Remedies to treat swollen eyelids

Cucumber washers

Cucumber, whether eaten raw or applied to the skin, is a powerful diuretic, ideal in case of water retention.

To reduce swollen eyelids, therefore, you can eat it in salads, blend it or use the traditional method of cucumber slices on the eyes. Let them act on the eyelids for thirty minutes. At the end, rinse your face with cold water.


Raw potato

Raw potato is a powerful anti-inflammatory. In case you don’t have cucumber available, you can also resort to two slices of raw potato. Keep them on closed eyes for at least twenty minutes.

Chamomile tea bags

Another classic remedy: chamomile tea bags. They help decongest the eyes when they are red and irritated. All you have to do is use the chamomile sachets left over from the herbal teas. Remember to put them in the refrigerator and, once cold, you can put them on closed eyes. Furthermore, the pleasant sensation of coolness will help you relax during the last hours of the day.

Drink a lot of water

Don’t forget that the best way to eliminate fluids and help your kidneys is to drink water throughout the day. However, we want to remind you not to drink cold water and to avoid drinking during meals. 

If you can’t drink a lot of water during the day, try adding some lemon juice or stevia to make it tastier, but just as healthy.

Images courtesy of Lablascovegmenu, Blue moon in her eyes, Zeetz Jones

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