Take Care Of The Liver And Pancreas With 5 Smoothies

To cleanse the liver and pancreas, it is important to eat fresh fruits and vegetables. They favor the elimination of waste substances and help optimize liver functions.
Take care of the liver and pancreas with 5 smoothies

To take care and  promote the health of the liver and pancreas, it  is essential to follow a correct diet, without neglecting the importance of a lifestyle as healthy as possible.

It must be taken into account that liver diseases, including fatty liver, are very common among the population. Increasing your intake of fresh fruit and vegetables is a wonderful way to gain health.

Today in our space we want to propose that you include some smoothies in your diet every day, which will promote your well-being.

What are you waiting for? Take note!

Take care of the liver and pancreas

Celery, lemon and papaya smoothie  

Antioxidants are really beneficial for the liver and pancreas. Furthermore, if you include foods with diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties, such as celery and papaya, the purification of waste substances that make these organs sick will be optimized.


  • The juice of one lemon
  • Celery, 1 stalk
  • Papaya 1 cup (140 gr)
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)


  • The first thing to do is to squeeze the lemon. Subsequently, wash the celery well and cut it into small pieces, so that it blends better. Do the same with the papaya; one cup will suffice.
  • Put all the ingredients in the blender and add the glass of water, to obtain a drink with a smooth consistency, to drink in the morning. Enjoy it!

Artichoke, lemon and aloe vera smoothie

This healing smoothie, based on artichokes and aloe vera, should be taken throughout the day. It will be useful for optimizing liver functions and for taking care of the health of the pancreas.

artichoke water


  • 2 artichokes
  • The juice of 1 lemon
  • 2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel  (30 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of honey (50 g)
  • 1 liter of water


  • The first thing to do is pour the water into a pot and cook the artichokes. When they are soft enough, pour the cooking water.
  • Dilute the aloe vera pulp in the still hot artichoke water.
  • Pour the liter of water into a bottle or jug, and sweeten with honey. Finally, add the lemon juice.

Drink a first cup on an empty stomach and then 20 minutes after the main meals. You will see how it will do you good!

Carrot, mango and orange smoothie to take care of the liver and pancreas

This smoothie to take care of the liver and pancreas is delicious and healthy. It is an orange drink, rich in phytochemicals, vitamins and minerals that purify the body and strengthen these important organs.

papaya smoothie to take care of liver and pancreas


  • ½ mango
  • The juice of 1 orange
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)


  • You just have to peel the 1/2 mango and cut it into 3 pieces, to blend it more easily. Do the same with the 2 carrots: wash them and cut them into pieces.
  • Finally, squeeze the orange and pour the juice into the blender, along with the carrots and mango. Don’t forget to add water, for a lighter and easier-to-drink drink.

How about drinking it for breakfast? You will like it!

Centrifuged with Brussels sprouts, celery and carrots

This smoothie made with Brussels sprouts and celery should be drunk at the end of the day, little by little. Thanks to crucifers, such as Brussels sprouts, you will strengthen the liver and pancreas.  

In fact, the diuretic power of celery and the vitamins contained in carrots make this smoothie a really powerful drink.

celery smoothie


  • 4 Brussels sprouts
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 stalk of celery
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)


  • Wash all the vegetables well: the Brussels sprouts, celery and carrots, then cut them into pieces and put them in the centrifuge.
  • Once you have the juice, add a glass of water. You will like it.

Take care of the liver and pancreas with a carrot and beetroot smoothie

beetroot smoothie to take care of liver and pancreas


  • 2 carrots
  • 1 small beet
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)


  • Wash all the ingredients well. Always remember that it is advisable to take organically grown fruit and vegetables. In this way, you will avoid making the liver further sick and you will get the most out of all the vitamins.
  • Once you have cut both the beetroot and the carrot into pieces, put them in the blender.
  • When you have blended these two vegetables with therapeutic properties, add a glass of water. You can take it at any time of day, for breakfast or dinner.

We invite you to try all these smoothies. Choose the one that makes you feel better and that best suits your tastes. With a varied and balanced diet and an active life, you will take care of the health of the liver and pancreas. 

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