Take Everything Personally And Live Offended Forever

By living a life of offense, you will only be hurting yourself. You have to learn to be flexible like bamboo and to shape yourself according to the situation, so that they don’t get the better of you
Take everything personally and live offended forever

Some live an eternal life of offense. Far from allowing himself to lead a life in harmony with his loved ones, in harmony and respect with the world around them, he chooses to “bang his head against a wall several times”.

Maybe the world is in league and everyone is against them? Absolutely not. What happens is that, in that imperceptible but complex world of emotions and personality, there are some people who make offense a daily habit. Don’t risk feeling offended forever.

However, we must certainly not see these people as a source of problems to be avoided, but we must understand what is going on inside them.

Hypersensitivity, low self-esteem, and a lack of psychological resources make their thinking patterns all too strict.

Any word, gesture or action is interpreted as an offense and this is precisely the fulcrum of the problem: this low self-esteem that sees problems where, in reality, they do not exist. Who sees hatred where it doesn’t exist.

Personalities who see storms even when there is no cloud outside and the sun shines high. Today we want to push you to reflect on this topic.

I live offended 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

“You just can’t talk to you.” “You are offended for nothing”. “You really are impossible, you go from bad to worse”.

If you have ever been told such a phrase, it is likely that you have not been very pleased with it. Despite this, a truth is hidden behind these words.

  • If the people around us have difficulty interacting with us, it means that something is wrong. If they are not comfortable, if there is no harmony in communication or in the way you treat each other, you need to understand why.
  • Instead of thinking “everyone who knows me hates me”, it is necessary to carry out a profound and delicate analysis of reflection.
  • We have to remove every layer of that “onion” that surrounds us to understand what really happens inside us.

In this article, we will look at what happens in people who always feel offended.

feel offended

You weren’t offended, it’s your expectations

Maybe it’s your very high expectations that don’t agree with reality. One way or another, we all have an idea of ​​what others should do, how they should treat us, and how they should react to certain things.

First of all, we need to clarify that these views are not quite right. Let’s see why.

  • The only thing you need to be clear about is how you want others to treat you. You deserve respect and you must demand it. It is a personal need that everyone has.
  • Nevertheless, what others do, what they don’t do or decide is none of our business. Each of us is free to decide what he wants and to act as he sees fit, but only if there is respect.
  • If we are obsessed that our partner should behave a certain way, that our friends should do this or that for us, we certainly won’t be happy.

To live with more tranquility and inner balance, remember: do not expect anything from anyone, expect everything from yourself.

The world is not angry with you: you have to live in harmony with the world

Whoever lives an offended life is like a stone or like the trunk of an oak. To understand this, try to visualize this picture:

  • Imagine you are a tree facing an ocean. The waters come and go and the wind is sometimes light and sometimes more intense. At certain times, the ocean caresses you, while at other days it hits you with its storms.
  • In this case, if you are a rigid and immobile tree, that ocean, its waves and other elements will end up uprooting you. When there are such situations, everything that is immobile, everything that manifests obstinacy, ends up on the ground.
  • If, on the other hand, you are flexible like a bamboo cane, you will be able to dance with the wind and not even the most violent storm will be able to make you fall. Because you are able to adapt, because you are not like a wall on which all blows are reflected.
illustrated bamboo

Living a life of offense means encouraging the pain that others inflict on us. Despite this, we will be the only ones to blame.

  • Anyone who takes offense at nothing creates a lack of trust.
  • If you live an offended life, your loved ones will stop feeling comfortable with you and will drift away.
  • If you see nothing but offense, even when they say a kind word to you, you will increase the distance with them.

Love yourself a little more and block the noise of your obsessive thoughts

The world doesn’t hate you. Nobody is angry with you. You cannot accumulate offenses where there are none and see evil intentions where there has never been a desire to harm yourself.

  • Those who do not love themselves become demanding with others. Above all, he expects others to offer him what he cannot give himself: love, recognition, respect.
  • If we do not start working on ourselves from within, we will project our darkest abysses outwards, until, little by little, our whole reality ends up becoming hell.
blue eyes red hair

It’s not worth it. Say “no” to needless suffering and stop putting out fires with gasoline. Instead, begin to heal your wounds and fill your voids, to offer yourself the love you need.

Only when we love ourselves enough does the world begin to turn better.

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