The Effects Of Sugar On The Liver And Possible Alternatives

To cleanse the liver, try replacing the sugar you use in the kitchen with other natural sweeteners such as stevia, honey or maple syrup.
The effects of sugar on the liver and possible alternatives

On our blog we have often talked about the effects of sugar and its harmful consequences. However, we know very well that it is not easy to completely disregard it. Sugar makes coffee delicious, jams much more pleasant and sweets absolutely irresistible.

Nevertheless, it is important to know the effects of white sugar and that completely eliminating it from our diet is a way to improve our quality of life. And not only that, it is also the solution to avoid suffering from many diseases associated with the liver, diseases that are now very frequent in our society.

Today we want to talk about all the effects of sugar on the liver and how to treat yourself in case you suffer from some inflammation in this vital organ for our body.

The relationship between liver and sugar

Effects of sugar and the liver

Our liver is that perfect laboratory that has the task of purifying our body, synthesizing enzymes and, moreover, acting as a reserve of glucose (energy) for the body. This means that it is the liver that helps us keep blood sugar levels and other body fuels in proper balance.

It is important to keep in mind that, when we eat, the liver is the organ in charge of storing the sugar of the foods we bring to our body. When we need energy or when our organs or muscles require it, this sugar will be converted into glucogen.

What are the effects of sugar on our liver?

white sugar
  • The white sugar that we ingest every day is composed in equal parts of glucose and fructose. The latter is almost three times sweeter than the former.
  • Glucose can be metabolized by any organ and does not cause major problems, but fructose can only be accepted by the liver. What happens then? It happens that all the fructose goes directly to this organ, to the point of overloading it with work and causing it to collapse. 
  • When white sugar reaches our liver in excess, it converts it almost in its entirety into fat. Do you know what can happen at that point? Insulin resistance is produced

If this happens, our cells will become resistant to this hormone, and therefore the pancreas will try in every way to balance the sugar levels by producing more insulin, until it causes a greater accumulation of fat in our body.

  • Since there is such a high excess of blood sugar and insulin, the activity of a hormone called leptin is blocked, which is responsible for regulating the feeling of hunger. 
  • A high level of insulin also generates high blood pressure and a drop in the so-called good cholesterol, causing what is known as “metabolic syndrome”. All of this results in what we all know as “fatty liver”.
  • Many think that fatty liver is due exclusively to excess alcohol, but in reality it is sugar the number one enemy for his health, what makes him inflamed and sick.

How to cleanse the liver of excess sugar

We must be very clear that in order to enjoy a healthy and strong liver it is necessary to start reducing the consumption of sugar. In fact, there are several interesting substitutes that we must try to introduce in our diet in place of sugar:

  • Stevia
  • Honey
  • Agave nectar
  • Brown rice syrup
  • Barley malt
  • Maple syrup
  • Coconut sugar
  • Date sugar

Now let’s see how to cleanse the liver of excess sugar to strengthen it and thus optimize its functions.

1. Eat garlic on an empty stomach

eat garlic

Eaten on an empty stomach, garlic acts as a powerful natural antibiotic and promotes liver and pancreas health. It eliminates bacteria, reduces hypertension and high cholesterol and also helps us clean our blood. So don’t forget: eat a clove of garlic on an empty stomach and take care of your health!

2. The frozen lemon therapy

frozen lemon

It is important to know that lemon zest is the richest part of antioxidants. These, together with vitamin C, help us cleanse and strengthen the liver.

To benefit from this technique, you need to freeze a lemon. Then all we have to do is grate it and include it in our salads, in our bowl of oats or in the white yogurt with which we make a snack.

We will benefit from all the lemon, including the zest. Something absolutely extraordinary for our liver.

3. Cooking water for the artichokes

artichokes in half

Artichokes, and in particular the water produced during their cooking, are ideal for the liver. They purify and provide adequate vitamins that not only strengthen our liver, but also regenerate it.


Cook the artichokes in a liter of water. When they become soft, remove the artichokes and set aside the cooking water. Transfer it to a glass bottle and add some lemon juice.

Take this water throughout the day, especially the first cup on an empty stomach. The ideal would be to repeat this treatment for 10 days in a row once a month.

4. The best foods to cleanse and care for the liver

grapefruit juice
  • The grapefruit
  • Green tea
  • Green leafy vegetables
  • Chlorophyll
  • Avocado
  • The broccoli
  • The Apple
  • Olive oil and linseed oil
  • Brown rice

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