The Most Common Hydration Errors

Maybe instead of hydrating properly, we are following some bad habits
The most common hydration errors

Hydration errors are very common, it is possible to commit them  without even realizing it.

To enjoy a good quality of life and to prevent many diseases, it  is essential to drink an adequate amount of fluids. Even if many ignore it, proper hydration is crucial for the proper functioning of all organs .

A dehydrated organism manifests insufficiencies related to its main functions, and this can cause problems of a physical and mental nature. In addition to water ingestion, good hydration  depends on other factors,  often underestimated. So let’s see what are the most common hydration mistakes.

The most common hydration errors

1. Limit your sodium intake too much

Insufficient ingestion of magnesium and potassium

There is no doubt that  moderating sodium consumption  is a major medical recommendation. A diet rich in this mineral can cause general chronic problems, such as water retention and high blood pressure.

This, however,  does not mean that sodium is an enemy to be completely excluded from the diet. Even too low levels of this mineral  can cause counterproductive effects.

  • The poor absorption of sodium, combined with its excessive loss through sweating, hinders the distribution of liquids even when you drink a lot of water.
  • Conditions such as heat and humidity make the ingestion of liquids and salt more necessary.

2. Drinking too much water

While low water consumption causes dehydration, excessive water consumption can also cause negative effects. Drinking too much, any liquid,  overloads the urinary system  and increases the risk of inflammatory problems and infections.

Our body is not prepared to process  excess substances,  even when this substance is just water. The recommended amount of water varies according to age, weight, lifestyle and climate.

3. Insufficient intake of magnesium and potassium

Insufficient ingestion of magnesium and potassium

Anyone who practices sports or another activity that requires a lot of physical effort must  take the correct amounts of magnesium and potassium.

These essential minerals play a vital role in maintaining body hydration and muscle health. Their deficiency  can prevent proper cell hydration  and rebalancing of electrolyte levels.

When they fail, you are more likely to suffer from cramps, aches, and other symptoms of dehydration. To ensure their correct absorption, it  is recommended to consume fruit, vegetables, legumes and cereals.

4. Consume sugary drinks

Many people think they can hydrate the body by  consuming fizzy drinks or sugary fruit juices.

Although they temporarily quench the feeling of thirst, the substances they contain are not good for the body. This is why it is one of the most common hydration mistakes.

  • These drinks are rich in sugars and chemical additives which, instead of hydrating the cells,  can have the opposite effect.
  • They are practically devoid of high quality nutrients, and although they guarantee a high percentage of fruit in their composition, they certainly do not possess the same properties.
  • Many drinks even contain exciting ingredients that can produce unwanted health effects.

5. Don’t listen to your body’s signals

Pay no attention to body signals

This is one of the most common dehydration mistakes. There are many factors that go into this process, so it is not uncommon for a little carelessness to dehydrate the body.

Although the body sends certain signals to us, there are few times that we pay attention to them or that we relate them to dehydration.

  • Symptoms such as  irregular urination or urinary infections may indicate low fluid or electrolytes.
  • Continuous headaches, feeling thirsty and muscle cramps may also occur.
  • Some people experience a  decrease in heart rate  and fainting.

If you have one or more of these symptoms, you need to take salt supplements, in small and frequent doses. It is also necessary to follow a moderate and gradual hydration plan. It is not necessary to overload the stomach with liquids.

Do you make any of these mentioned hydration mistakes? If so,  make sure you correct them as soon as possible  to avoid suffering the consequences.

If you play sports or work with a lot of energy, you need to strengthen your body’s hydration measures. The same principle also applies if you are facing some illness.

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