Types Of Chocolate: Which One To Choose?

You may have heard that chocolate is a healthy food. However, we cannot ignore the fact that there are versions rich in sugar and additives that alter their nutritional quality.
Types of chocolate: which one to choose?

Chocolate is one of the foods most often present in the diet today. It is a product with valid organoleptic characteristics. Yet not all types of chocolate are the same in terms of nutritional values.

Have you noticed that there are many variations on the market? What is the best option? To resolve any doubts, in this article we describe in detail the aspects to take into consideration when buying this food.

The nutritional values ​​of the different types of chocolate

Sugar-free chocolate

When choosing chocolate it is important to take into account the effects of sugar on the body. This nutrient, in fact, increases the risk of obesity. It negatively affects many markers associated with metabolic health, as explained in an article published in the journal Critical Reviews in Clinical Laboratory Sciences .

It is therefore not a good idea to buy chocolate with artificial sweeteners added instead of so-called carbohydrates. These substances, in fact, are harmful to the intestinal microbiota. In addition, they are associated with an increased risk of insulin resistance. It is best to opt for a chocolate that has at least 75% cocoa.

Cocoa plant
There are many types of chocolate on the market. In terms of nutritional quality, however, it is preferable to opt for those that contain at least 75% cocoa.

Cocoa and its antioxidant properties

Cocoa is a food characterized by a high content of lipids and phytonutrients. The latter are rich in antioxidant properties, according to a study published in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology

The regular supply of these nutrients is essential in the prevention of cellular aging. They also reduce the risk of premature death, as well as the chances of developing medium- and long-term illnesses.

Bitter cocoa is one of the foods with the most antioxidant properties among those present in nature. Along with coffee and red fruits, it should be present in any varied and balanced meal plan.

But it is good not to confuse cocoa with chocolate, since the latter usually contains sugar in varying percentages. This is why it is essential to opt for preparations with a lower sugar content.

Types of Chocolate: White chocolate is unhealthy

Among the different types of chocolate we can come across low cocoa variants that should not fall into this food category. An example is white chocolate, which is made up mostly of butter and sugar.

It is a nutritionally scarce food, whose regular consumption is counterproductive for the body. It is therefore advisable to reduce consumption as much as possible.

This group also includes chocolate and dried fruit creams with industrial oils and refined sugar. These are therefore foods with interesting organoleptic characteristics, but with little nutritional value. Despite this, they are too often present in the pantries and children have easy access to them.

White chocolate
White chocolate usually contains too much sugar in its ingredients. For this reason, eating it can compromise our health.

Why include chocolate in your diet?

Chocolate is a food that is part of a varied and healthy diet. Yet not all types of chocolate can be considered healthy nor do they have the same nutritional properties. Varieties with a high percentage of cocoa and low sugar content must be chosen.

Remember that artificial sweeteners are not a healthy alternative to high glycemic index carbohydrates. These substances tend to cause a variety of imbalances in the microbiota, which can interfere with major markers of metabolic health.

It should also be taken into account that not all products classified as chocolate are cocoa based. Ultimately, this is the substance that contains all the antioxidants, and therefore benefits our health.

Once we have chosen the healthiest chocolate, we can regularly add it to our diet. It is an ideal snack food, as it goes very well with some fruits and dairy products. Finally, it is useful in the preparation of desserts, but it is better not to abound with flour and sugar.

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