Vegan Mayonnaise: Recipe To Prepare It

Vegan mayonnaise is suitable for people who are intolerant or allergic to certain foods and also for those who want to follow a healthier diet.
Vegan mayonnaise: recipe to prepare it

Vegan mayonnaise is made exclusively from plant-based ingredients. So eggs and milk are replaced by other foods, such as vegetable drinks.

Preparing vegan mayonnaise is very simple and there are several recipes, with different ingredients. Each of these recipes produces a result that varies slightly in texture and flavor, but always natural and tasty.

Two recipes to prepare vegan mayonnaise

Below we share two different recipes for preparing vegan mayonnaise, so that you can choose the most practical and tasty alternative according to your tastes.

1. With soy milk and olive oil

This is a light and delicate recipe that can be consumed immediately after preparation. It is recommended to accompany salads, to spread on a sandwich or to accompany a snack (bread sticks, carrots, celery, etc.).

Vegan mayonnaise


  • ½ minced garlic.
  • 1 cup of olive oil.
  • A pinch of sea salt.
  • 1 tablespoon of chopped fresh parsley.
  • ½ cup of soy or almond drink.
  • 1 teaspoon of lemon juice (about 5 ml).
  • A pinch of grated mustard in grains or ½ teaspoon of ready-made mustard.


  1. First, put the soy drink and lemon juice in a blender, then blend for 30 seconds.
  2. Then, while the blender is running, add the oil slowly until the mixture thickens.
  3. At this point add the salt, mustard, parsley and continue mixing.
  4. Taste to see if you need to correct again with some seasoning.
  5. Finally, do not forget that it is possible to add other ingredients according to taste, such as chilli, paprika, pepper …

2. Vegan mayonnaise with potatoes

This mayonnaise is very light, although denser than the previous one, due to the main ingredient which is the potato. This tuber gives a much stronger flavor to the sauce.

Mayonnaise with potatoes


  • Pepper.
  • Origan.
  • Salt (to taste).
  • 1 clove of garlic.
  • Lemon juice.
  • 1 large potato.
  • Sunflower oil.
  • Water (if you prefer a more liquid or thicker dough).


  1. First of all, peel the potato and cook it in water.
  2. Then, add the garlic, oregano, pepper and a pinch of salt.
  3. Keep the heat low and slowly add the oil until the mixture becomes compact.
  4. Add the water little by little, until you get a homogeneous mixture.
  5. Add the lemon (to taste) very carefully because, if you add too much, the mixture goes crazy (as for traditional mayonnaise).
  6. Finally, you can add coriander, basil, parsley and create delicious personalized flavors.

Tips for preparing vegan mayonnaise

Hand blenders and glass containers are the best allies for making these recipes. Avoid plastic! You can use an immersion mixer or the robot. But to prepare limited quantities, it is better to  use the hand blender.

If you want to obtain a natural product it is better to use unsweetened vegetable drinks or with other added flavors (such as vanilla, almond or similar).

Mayonnaise properties

As for the oil, if you like a stronger flavor, opt for olive oil which gives a spicy flavor, but always in moderate quantities. Also, make sure the ingredients are at room temperature when you prepare the sauce and don’t overuse salt and garlic.

Finally, as a last tip, keep the mayonnaise in the refrigerator and consume it in a short period of time.

When does vegan mayonnaise go crazy?

  1. When blending and interrupting the process several times.
  2. For excess cold or heat.
  3. Due to an excess of oil (this is the most frequent case).
  4. For the excessive speed of the blender.
  5. When, while blending, the sauce does not thicken but appears rather liquid and shiny

Variations of mayonnaise


Starting from the basic recipe of vegan mayonnaise, we can invent other flavors and colors simply by adding some ingredients.

  • To get a purplish or rosy color, we can add a piece of cooked beetroot.
  • To get the green color , cooked spinach is used. The result will be a green sauce with a delicate flavor.
  • To obtain a vegetable tartar sauce, capers, olives, gherkins and onion can be added.
  • To get a pink sauce, just add a little ketchup.

How can we use mayonnaise?

  • For salads, instead of oil and vinegar.
  • Stuff sandwich, hamburger or panini.
  • To accompany an aperitif with canapés, croquettes, vegetable pakora, etc.
  • Vegetables in batter prepared in the oven.
  • As a base sauce for flavoring focaccia.

Vegan mayonnaise can be customized in many other ways and according to your creativity, to enjoy always different combinations and flavors. Don’t hesitate to try these delicious and light recipes!

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