Victimism: 8 Typical Behaviors Through Which It Manifests Itself

The main problem with who plays the role of the victim is that often this idea is so strongly internalized by the person that he is not aware of his own behavior.
Victimism: 8 typical behaviors through which it occurs

We all love to surround ourselves with people who make us feel good, not only through their support, but also by giving us positive energies when we are together. Nonetheless, we still risk meeting toxic people on our path who love victimhood and drain our energies with their negative thoughts and problems.

While helping someone in distress is a nice gesture, it is essential to understand if the person in question really needs our help or if, instead, he is manipulating us.

It often happens that some people, once they notice our good heart, start playing the role of the victims with the aim of generating compassion in us and thus relieving their responsibilities.

The victim brings these people to blame thirds of their suffering, and since we often find someone willing to help, rarely solve their problems by their own means.

It is  important to know how  these people  act  and what strategies they use to make us feel compelled to always help them. Here are 8 typical behaviors of people suffering from victimhood.

Typical behaviors of victimhood

1. They are convinced that the world is against them

Friend who consoles

Although this view is not yet fully shared, the personality of those who victimize themselves can be linked to a paranoid disorder that distorts reality in a pessimistic way.

The subject complains constantly and, always being on the defensive, is convinced that the whole world is angry with him.

Generally, when you have the opportunity to talk to these people, they complain incessantly, claiming that they are not loved or that they are all unable to understand the situation in which they find themselves.

2. They do not take their own responsibilities

The inability to take responsibility is one of the main behaviors of those people who make victimization their way of life.

They are so convinced that others can help them that, even unwittingly, they expect other people to take on their responsibilities. 

For these people it is very easy to ignore their responsibilities and, rather, they prefer to point to others as guilty, without worrying about the consequences.

They become so manipulative that, after gaining the trust of others, they will be able to make them feel guilty when they cannot help them.

3. They exaggerate the problems

Girl with cellphone in hand

As the saying goes, “they make a lot of ado about nothing”. The habit of feeling fragile leads them to exaggerate unpleasant situations or problems.

They typically demand compassion, cry or get angry so that their supposed “attackers” feel guilty and apologize.

4. Everything always goes wrong

Talking to these people wears us out, not just because of their negative mindset, but also because their stories are always a tragedy.

They will tell you how bad things are at work, their family problems, and how numb the people around them are.

They are not able to see the opportunities that can arise from adversity and their mentality is so closed that they cannot understand that anything can improve, just work on it.

5. They never apologize

Couple victimization

When a person suffering from victimhood apologizes, they do not do so sincerely. Very rarely the “victims” acknowledge their mistakes and apologize to those directly involved.

Their manipulation mechanisms are so effective that they allow them to always justify themselves and play the role of the “good guys” on duty.

6. They feel sorry for themselves

People who get used to playing the role of the victim in front of others are used to point out their flaws and are highly critical of themselves.

The habit of feeling sorry for themselves leads them to recognize themselves  as defenseless children or fragile people in the face of society.

If they cannot generate sympathy or empathy in others, they console themselves to segregate themselves even more within their role as victims.

7. They always feel that something is missing

Man looks out the window

Even when something positive happens to them, they find fault with rather than dismiss the negative and toxic thoughts.

All the opportunities in the world cannot make these people happy.

They complain if they have, if they don’t have, if someone has a better chance than them. In this way they keep a vicious circle alive that prevents them from making significant progress.

8. They hold a grudge

In order not to stop suffering,  these people remember the events of the past when someone or something caused them pain.

They are unable to leave behind the episodes that have made them suffer and often take advantage of any opportunity to revive them in the present.

If you know someone with these characteristics, be careful! If it is a loved one you want to help, keep in mind that often many of their actions are habits that are difficult to break away from.

Do not let those who resort to victimization absorb all your energy and try to keep yourself out of their problems so as not to risk being manipulated.

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