Ways To Speed Up Metabolism And Lose Weight

It is important to combine a nutritious breakfast with a light dinner, because our body accumulates fat during the night.
Ways to speed up metabolism and lose weight

Even if you have inherited a slow metabolism from your family, you don’t have to live with it and suffer from being overweight and its consequences.  IS You can always find ways to speed up your metabolism and make it work with us and not against us.

Recent studies have shown that some of the tips we are about to give you in this article can be ways to  speed up your metabolism and therefore to lose weight faster, in a short time and without effort, but above all in a healthy and natural way.

1. Eat a nutritious breakfast every day

A nutritious breakfast (for example eating a spinach omelette, feta cheese and a slice of toasted wholemeal bread) shortly after getting up ensures that the metabolism starts working right away and correctly.

According to a study carried out by the US National Weight Control Registry, of 5,000 patients who were asked to incorporate a healthy breakfast into their daily diet, weight loss can reach up to 30 kg in 5 years. .

This is because breakfast gives the body the necessary energy which, therefore, stops accumulating fat and starts working with the food ingested for breakfast.

In this way it is possible to lose weight in a natural way. In addition, it is recommended to eat lightly in the evening at dinner because during the night many hours are spent fasting and the body accumulates as much fat as possible.

2. Ways to speed up your metabolism: Add green tea to your diet

Speed ​​up metabolism with infusions

Green tea is best known for its antioxidant properties, but recently it has been discovered that it also helps speed up metabolism and consequently lose weight quickly. Researchers from different universities have conducted studies with various groups of people to determine the benefits of this brew.

These studies showed that those who got into the habit of drinking green tea lost weight faster than other people, because this drink facilitates fat oxidation and thermogenesis.

The ideal amount of green tea to drink is 3 cups a day, which greatly increases the body’s energy with just 70 calories.

3. Ways to speed up your metabolism: consume foods rich in omega 3

Everyone knows that the consumption of fish rich in omega 3 fatty acids (such as salmon or tuna) speeds up the metabolism, as well as regulating blood sugar levels and reducing the symptoms of other problems (such as inflammation).

Recent studies have shown that these fatty acids also help reduce resistance to leptin, a hormone that facilitates weight loss.

If you don’t like fish or prefer other alternatives, you can use a daily omega 3 supplement that contains between 1000 and 2000 milligrams or even eat dried fruit to get the same benefits.

4. Don’t eliminate all calories from your diet

Breakfast with cereals and fruit

It is erroneously thought that by eliminating more calories from your diet, you can lose weight more easily. Of course, in the beginning this is the case, but when our body realizes that we have decreased calories, it begins to increase its energy reserves by accumulating fat.

For this reason, eating more speeds up your metabolism, as long as the foods you eat are healthy and provide nutrients.   IS It is also important not to fast for too long. The ideal is to eat 5 times a day (300 calories each time) instead of having two meals that are too large or have a high caloric value.

5. Increase the intensity during physical activity

The next time you engage in physical activity (walking, swimming, running, etc.) add a few 30 second intervals where you increase the intensity and then return to normal intensity.

These slight changes will cause the body to consume more energy and that the cells considerably strengthen their ability to regenerate and can, therefore, have greater oxygenation.

With these changes you can also reduce training times and still achieve your goals. These higher intensity intervals are good for any sport.

6. Take a break and rest after exercise

Ways to speed up the metabolism

Physical activity is a gift we can give to our body and our health, but if it is too intense, it can also lead to quite serious physical fatigue.

Although exercise helps speed up the metabolism, a key thing is to rest properly once the session is over to allow the body to return to a state of total tranquility.

IS It is important that the amount of calories you burn while exercising is higher than the amount of calories you consume, in this way you can lose weight more effectively.

7. Avoid eating foods that contain trans fats

As you all know, trans fats are not good for your health. They also reduce the body’s natural ability to burn fat; this is because they alter the cells of the body and slow down the metabolism.

As if that weren’t enough, they can also generate insulin resistance and inflammation. So eliminate trans fats from your diet to speed up your metabolism and lose weight.

8. Increase your protein intake

Salmon fillet

It takes our body longer to digest foods rich in protein than foods rich in fat or carbohydrates. It means that when you eat protein, you feel full for longer, and your metabolism continues to work and burn fat.

This results in a noticeable acceleration of the metabolism accompanied by a reduction in appetite. Furthermore, it has been shown that the consumption of protein promotes the development of muscles and not the formation of fat.

Ways to speed up metabolism: a healthy diet

Genetics is responsible for some of our characteristics, but with some tricks we can take control of what we want to change in our body and achieve our goal.

Finding ways to speed up your metabolism means getting it to work faster, burn more calories, reach an ideal weight and maintain it.

With these tips you can give your body the opportunity to stay healthy on its own and in a completely natural way. This is much healthier advice than any other complicated diet that doesn’t lead to great results or poor nutrition that can trigger the development of disease.

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