What Problems Does Cell Phone Use Cause?

While it is true that the mobile phone can cause health problems, as it happens with other devices, using it in moderation avoids the appearance of complications. 
What problems does cell phone use cause?

We cannot imagine a life without the use of a cell phone. When we travel, we wonder how people oriented themselves before the arrival of GPS or how they organized themselves without instant messaging services.

We no longer need an encyclopedia shelf, because  the mobile phone is the main source of information.  However, some doubts have arisen about the possible health problems that cell phone use can cause .

Most of the considerations relate to electromagnetic waves. We are suspicious that a device with so much power is harmless.

The waves certainly represent a danger for our organism. They enter through the ears and skin. When they are inside us, they alter and weaken the functionality of cells. For this reason, we recommend using the speakerphone.

However, using a mobile phone also causes other and much more sudden complications. It is necessary to know them and know how to remedy them.

cell phone use today

For this reason, we present the most significant and give you some tips to curb them.

Health problems caused by cell phone use


Smartphone notifications keep us constantly alert. There’s always a message we haven’t replied to, an unread email, or a call to answer. The network generates such an amount of content that there is always something of interest to us.

This causes a considerable state of stress,  which forces us to depend on the cell phone in a way that was unthinkable until recently. In fact, we use it every few minutes.

girl bites her nails

The ideal, therefore, is to remove the ringer from our device for a few hours a day. In this way, in addition to getting rid of that perennial state of restlessness, we will get used to carrying out the various activities without having to use the mobile phone. Try to do it even if you use it for work. It is not good to be in the office 24 hours a day.

Joint and muscle pains

It is not one of the answers we expect when we ask ourselves what health problems cause cell phone use, but they are the most common.

When we write or read, we put tension on the back, neck and arms. Similarly, we always repeat the same movements with the wrist and thumbs.

As a result, pain is generated in these areas, which end up presenting lesions, some even chronic.

To prevent this from happening, we advise you to reduce the use of your mobile phone and instead increase the time to devote to sport. One of the most suitable in this case is swimming. It is a very complete sport in which all muscle groups are exercised.

swimming and activity

It’s also good for the type of activity your muscles need to do: stretching and toning; therefore, we treat and prevent at the same time.


Many times we make the mistake of taking our smartphones  before bed or when we are already there. We think it relaxes us, just as reading helps us sleep.

However, the constant updating of the contents of the network wakes our attention. In this way, time begins to pass without realizing it and we end up staying in the wee hours.

For this reason, it  is recommended that you put your cell phone aside at least an hour before going to sleep  and dedicate this time to relaxing activities or to family.

couple in bed with cellphone

Phantom vibration syndrome

The relationship we maintain with the telephone is very intimate and continuous. This circumstance resulted in the onset of phantom vibration syndrome.

It consists of imagining that the device vibrates all the time, which leads to watching notifications too frequently, which in turn hinders the development of our family and work life.

It is true that using a mobile phone causes health problems, but it is equally true that these can be prevented by using the electronic device in a moderate way.

Try to respect the limits that you impose on yourself and dedicate this time to activities that you enjoy, such as going to the cinema, cooking, dancing … Explore: there is nothing better than spending time doing activities that we are passionate about.

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